Caste and Communal Issues Issues Society and Culture India

Swami Vivekananda, with a partial justification of the caste system. Denies that the system is a product of religion, and ascribes it to other social factors.

    Top: Regional: Asia: India: Society and Culture: Issues

Caste and Communal Issues

See Also:
  • Broken People - A detailed account by Human Rights Watch of issues the extent society and culture and means of discrimination against lower issues castes.
  • Castes of India - An overview of the caste system, and additional caste and communal caste and communal issues issues notes on history, its place in modern India, caste and caste and communal issues communal issues and its relevance to untouchables and non-Hindus.
  • Caste System in Bengal - A brief account of how the system developed in Bengal, with some notes on the differences from the rest of India.
  • The Indian Caste System and the British - Kevin Hobson on the British role in building society and culture society and culture the modern caste system. Also discusses how the society and culture society and culture parallels between the caste system and the British society and culture society and culture class system led to mutual support and reinforcement society and culture society and culture of each during the 19th century.
  • Dalit Rights and Issues Home Page - India Together website - news and articles regarding caste and communal caste and communal issues issues Dalits.
  • The Hindu : Politics of 'hereditary' crime - Article on the \\'Criminal Tribes Act\\' and its legacy in the form of communities that continue to be considered inherently criminal by the authorities.
  • Understanding Terrorism - Extols the virtues of Islam against shortcomings of Hinduism. Describes caste and communal issues violence and repression by caste Hindus and the Indian state caste and communal issues against Muslims, Christians, and others, from an anti-Hindu and anti-Indian caste and communal issues perspective.
  • Caste Problem in India - Swami Vivekananda, with a partial justification of the caste and communal issues caste system. Denies that the system is a caste and communal issues product of religion, and ascribes it to other caste and communal issues social factors.
  • The Caste System in Hinduism - A basic introduction to the caste system, including an account society and culture of its religious justification.
  • Caste System in Modern India - Read about the caste system prevailing in modern society and culture India.
  • Indian Parliament Committee on the Welfare of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes - Reports on the activities, constitution and membership of this group, society and culture and reports produced by it recently.
  • Hindu History - The Emergence of the Caste System (The Jati-Varna Matrix) - Account of the emergence of the hierarchical caste issues system by Sudheer Birodkar, with parallels drawn with issues class systems in other regions.
  • Sub-Castes Among Dalits - On the political issues around the existence of subcastes among Dalits and scheduled castes.
  • Hindu Caste System - Dr. Subhash C. Sharma on the natural evolution of various professions in ancient India, explaining that the original Hindu vocations were not based on heredity or birth.
  • Communalism - Collection of articles, comments and analyses on the issues.
  • Dalits & Human Rights : The Battles Ahead - First of a set of articles by P. Sainath on caste and communal issues the position of Dalits in the country in the 1990's.
  • War between the Castes - Reports of recent communal clashes are put into society and culture caste and communal issues a historical and social perspective by Time Magazine.
  • Caste in India - An explanation of the caste system in history, and modern society and culture practice.
  • Restorative Justice and India's Caste System: New World Outlook, July - August 1999 - Account of the place of caste in Indian caste and communal society and culture issues society today, from a site promoting Christian Methodism.

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