Legal Services Business and Economy Vietnam Asia
Business consulting and law firm. Services include business and finance, banking, investment, tax, shipping and trade, real estate, and intellectual property.
Top: Regional: Asia: Vietnam: Business and Economy
Legal Services
- Vilaf - Hong Duc - Investment and business law firm involved in advising regulatory bodies legal services on the drafting of legislation and implementing regulations. Areas of legal services expertise, legal updates, court cases and investment guide.
- YKVN Law - Business consulting and law firm. Services include business and finance, banking, investment, tax, shipping and trade, real estate, and intellectual property.
- Hoang Gia – SCCT Law Consulting & Auditing Company Ltd - Hoang Gia - SCCT Law Consulting and Auditing legal services Company have specialized in legal and investment consulting, legal services accounting and auditing services, tax and finance consultancy, legal services translation.
- Dzungsrt & Associates - Law firm specializing in the fields of shipping vietnam and commercial vietnam litigation. Provides information relating to shipping vietnam and maritime law.
- AL International - Legal services in intellectual property, investments, trade, business legal services and litigation in Vietnam. Information on the legal legal services system in Vietnam, setting a business and accounting legal services services.
- D&N International - Offering services for patents, trademarks, industrial designs and vietnam copyrights throughout business and economy the region.
- Vinalaw - Specializes in consulting, assistance on establishing enterprises, drafting legal services regulations, vietnam operations of companies and foreign investment.
- Winco Vietnam - Consulting law firm specializing in the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights. Services, areas of practice and partners. (May not display properly in all browsers.)
- LuatViet Legal Consultants - Provides services on laws, consulting, business lawyers and legal environment.
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