Government Mediterranean Regions Europe
The EU provides an overview, news and information about conferences, agreements, programmes and the free trade area. Includes publications, key documents, calendar and video.
Top: Regional: Europe: Regions: Mediterranean
See Also:
- Top/Regional/Africa/Government
- Top/Regional/Middle East/Government
- Top/Society/Government/Multilateral
- Top/Regional/Europe/Government
- COPPEM (Euro-Mediterranean Partnership) - Steering committee of Euro-Mediterranean local and regional authorities of the signatory countries of Barcelona Declaration in 1995.
- Euromed - Euromediterranean Summit 2005 - Official site about the Summit and the Barcelona government Process, a government Euro-Mediterranean joint initiative. Includes history, background government material, delegate list and government final documents. [Arabic, English, government French, Spanish]
- EUROPA - Euro-Mediterranean Partnership / Barcelona Process - The EU provides an overview, news and information about conferences, regions agreements, programmes and the free trade area. Includes publications, key regions documents, calendar and video.
- IPO - US-European Relations After the End of the East-West Conflict: Implications for Euro-Mediterranean Co-Operation - Paper by Dr. Hans Köchler presented at the regions North-South Mediterranean mediterranean symposium "Partnership or Dissociation" in Baghdad, regions October 28-30, 1997.
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