Science and Environment Europe Regional

Network of member states' ministries to discuss, correlate and harmonise digitisation of cultural and scientific content. Includes activities and publications.

    Top: Regional: Europe

Science and Environment

See Also:
  • International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine (ICPR) - The work of the ICPR aimed at the europe protection of the river Rhine.
  • Milieukontakt Oost-Europa - Works with non-governmental organisations on environmental topics in science and environment europe Central and Eastern Europe and the Newly Independent science and environment europe States.
  • Petition for Guaranteed Public Access to Publicly-Funded Research Results - Register support for free and open access to European research europe and for the recommendations proposed in the EU\\'s \\'Study on europe the Economic and Technical Evolution of the Scientific Publication Markets europe of Europe\'. Background information and online petition.
  • European Centre for Nature Conservation - Purpose is to further European nature conservation by bridging gap between science and policy. ECNC has become a renowned expertise centre offering support to the development, review and implementation of European nature conservation.
  • Community Research and Development Information Service - Cordis provides access to a wide range of regional information on regional EU research and innovation development activities.
  • Minerva eEurope - Network of member states\\' ministries to discuss, correlate and harmonise regional digitisation of cultural and scientific content. Includes activities and publications.
  • Organic Europe - An overview of organic farming in 25 European countries.
  • European Research Council (ERC) - Funding body set up to stimulate scientific excellence by supporting regional and encouraging scientists, engineers and scholars to be adventurous and regional take risks in their research. Details of mission and strategy, regional along with information about submitting grant prop
  • European Environment Agency - Provides information for sound and effective policies to protect the regional environment and support sustainable development.
  • European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry - Group of ten European mathematical institutes who aim science and environment europe to offer their knowledge and expertise to European science and environment europe industry. Organisational and membership information, newsletters, events, and science and environment europe details of outreach activities.
  • Coastal Guide to Europe - Offers information to the visitor of coastal areas europe in Europe. science and environment Topics include history of the landscape, europe whale and dolphin watching, science and environment other wildlife, nature and europe recreation areas and cultural heritage (historical science and environment cities, buildings europe and museums).

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