Pidvolochysk Ternopil Oblast Provinces Ukraine
Top: Regional: Europe: Ukraine: Provinces: Ternopil Oblast
- Pidvolochysk and its surroundings - Pidvolochysk Jewish Memorial Book tranlsated from Hebrew. Project Coordinator: Dov provinces Brayer. Translation by Sharon Landman Kabilow. Translated from: Sefer Podwoloczyska provinces ve-ha-sevivah. Edited by: Zunyu Levinson and Dov Brayer. Published in provinces Haifa, Organizatio
- Time table for railway station Pidvolochysk - List of 39 trains stopping at Pidvolochysk (Podvolochisk ternopil oblast in ternopil oblast Russian / Podwoloczyska in Polish). Sorted by ternopil oblast the arrival ternopil oblast and departure time.
- Pidvolochysk - a snap shot - Article about the town from the Encyclopedia Judaica, Vol. 13. pidvolochysk An old photo and related links.
- Jewish surname list from Pidvolochysk - List of all surnames contained in Jewish civil provinces records of the town of Pidvolochysk (Podwoloczyska in provinces Polish) in the AGAD JRI-Poland/PSA Archives project.
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