Disability Society and Culture United Kingdom Europe

An index of product suppliers and service providers throughout the UK catering for the less able individual’s needs. Offers advice library and disability links.

    Top: Regional: Europe: United Kingdom: Society and Culture


See Also:
  • Benefits Now - Guide and self-assessment service for disability living and united kingdom Attendance disability Allowances. Includes forum and FAQ.
  • Youreable - Offering help and advice on issues such united kingdom as united kingdom employment, motoring, equipment, money, computing, health and united kingdom the community.
  • Capability Scotland - Disability organisation. Advice, campaigns, services and First Person society and culture disability magazine.
  • RADAR - National organisation run by disabled people. Bookshop, mailing list and email chat service. Links to other disability sites.
  • Disability World - Information on disability issues, directory of suppliers and adapted holiday society and culture accommodation, links and forum.
  • DisabledInfo.co.uk - Disabled product reviews and support group venues. Includes holiday accommodation, society and culture forums, articles and chat.
  • Milly Morton - A dating and friendship website designed specifically for adults with disability disabilities, their families and their carers.
  • Philip's Disabled Help - Offers independent reviews on disability products, holidays, vehicles disability plus items united kingdom and links of disability interest.
  • Check The Map - A list of the services and facilities available society and culture for people with learning disabilities in the UK. society and culture Includes books, DVDs and a calendar of disability society and culture events.
  • ableize - Disability Directory - Lists disability goods, aids services, information and mobility products. Includes access issues, disabled sports and the arts. Contains disability related news and offers free listings.
  • Essex Disabled People's Association - Information, help and advice across Essex for all society and culture society and culture disabled people. Lists accessible pub and restaurant guides, society and culture society and culture also offers accessible vehicle hire.
  • BBC Ouch! - Reflects the wider view of life for disabled united kingdom people. Contains community news, message boards, articles and united kingdom disability links.
  • Electronic Notetaking Services - Professional communication access service for deaf and hard disability of hearing disability people who do not use British disability Sign Language. CACDP registered.
  • Disabled United - UK based friends and dating, chat, swap shop, message board, and links.
  • Tetraplegliving.com - A website run and owned by Penn Wooding a C5/6 tetraplegic. See how Penn copes with living with a spinal cord injury, read personal stories and related information.
  • Outsiders - Offers isolated people the chance to contact one another for united kingdom friendship and mutual help. Promote social integration between disabled people. united kingdom Includes news, gallery and history.
  • Dis-Ability Info Ltd - An index of product suppliers and service providers disability throughout the society and culture UK catering for the less able disability individual’s needs. Offers advice society and culture library and disability links.
  • OneSwitch - Leisure and arts resource for people with learning united kingdom or physical disabilities. Information on adaptive games.
  • Disability Pregnancy and Parenthood International - small UK based registered charity, controlled by disabled disability parents, which united kingdom promotes better awareness and support for disability disabled people considering, during united kingdom and after pregnancy and disability as parents.

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