News and Media Local Government Bill - Section 28 Issues Politics

Mr Duncan Smith is set to end his support for the controversial clause, and is expected to propose a new form of words for the Tory-created legislation.

    Top: Regional: Europe: United Kingdom: Society and Culture: Politics: Issues: Local Government Bill - Section 28

News and Media

  • Guardian: Alas, the new leader cannot see it was a law offensive to many natural Conservatives - Ivan Massow discusses the repeal of Section 28 news and media and his disappointment to Michael Howard voting to news and media retain it.
  • Guardian: Duncan urges Tories to end gay taboo - Patrick Wintour, chief political correspondent. Alan Duncan, the news and media news and media shadow foreign affairs minister, yesterday urged his party news and media news and media to end its taboo about homosexuality, but declined news and media news and media to tell his party to support the repeal news and media news and media of section 28 if the issue is raised news and media news and media in
  • Telegraph: Labour faces Lords defeat on Section 28 alternative - Andrew Sparrow, political correspondent. Opposition peers are expected news and media local government bill - section 28 to defeat the Government today by backing a news and media local government bill - section 28 Tory amendment for an alternative to the controversial news and media local government bill - section 28 Section 28, the law stopping local authorities from news and media local government bill - section 28 promoting homosexuality, with a n
  • Guardian: Duncan Smith defends stance on section 28 - The Tories have proposed an alternative to section local government bill issues - section 28 28 under which schools would be required to issues local government bill - section 28 display teaching materials for sex issues education classes publicly local government bill - section 28 so that issues parents could inspect them.
  • Telegraph: Labour test for Tories on gay rights - Colin Brown, political editor. Labour MPs are to local government bill issues - section 28 force a new vote on the repeal of issues local government bill - section 28 section 28 to expose a issues split in the local government bill - section 28 Conservative party. issues Site requires free registration.
  • Guardian: Row erupts over section 28 - Anne Perkins, political correspondent. The simmering row in issues the Tory party over section 28, which has issues become a totem for social liberals in the issues party, erupted at the Guardian\'s fringe meeting yesterday.
  • Telegraph: Tories try to defuse section 28 clash - David Davis, the shadow Cabinet minister, is working local government bill - section 28 on proposals to give parents and school governors local government bill - section 28 the right to decide how teachers approach the local government bill - section 28 issue of homosexuality in the classroom.
  • Guardian: Portillo leads Tory foes of section 28 - Nicholas Watt, political correspondent. After John Bercow signed an amendment to back the repeal of Section 28, Michael Portillo added his support to persuade Iain Duncan Smith to join them as well.
  • BBC: Tory dilemma on clause 28 - Mr Duncan Smith is set to end his news and media local government bill - section 28 support for the controversial clause, and is expected news and media local government bill - section 28 to propose a new form of words for news and media local government bill - section 28 the Tory-created legislation.
  • Guardian Politics: Lords debate parental veto on sex education - PA. Peers were today being asked to back news and media local government bill - section 28 a move giving parents tough legal rights to news and media local government bill - section 28 "protect" their children from "explicit and unacceptable" sex news and media local government bill - section 28 education. The call, by Conservative Lady news and media local government bill - section 28 Blatch, follows the government's decision to
  • Gay Conservatives: Howard Backs Section 28 Rethink - The majority of the shadow cabinet back repeal local government bill - section 28 of the legislation.
  • Guardian Education: Teachers hail end of Section 28 - Polly Curtis. Teachers and campaigners have welcomed a local government bill issues - section 28 defeat of rebels in the House of Lords issues local government bill - section 28 which effectively marks the end issues of Section 28.
  • Guardian Unlimited: My daughter is just fine - Article by Peter Preston. "One of my twins issues has a local government bill - section 28 loving husband, the other a loving issues gay partner. Both are local government bill - section 28 my family. Both are issues equal..."
  • Telegraph: Softer stance on Section 28 in Lords - Iain Duncan Smith will try to avoid a local government bill - section 28 confrontation in the Lords over the Government\\'s plans local government bill - section 28 to scrap Section 28, after angering Tory modernisers local government bill - section 28 by voting to keep the law banning the local government bill - section 28 promotion of homosexuality in schools.
  • Guardian: Duncan Smith avoids section 28 showdown - Nicholas Watt, political correspondent. The Conservative amendment, which news and media news and media will incorporate work which has been carried out news and media news and media by the party\\'s Renewing One Nation taskforce, will news and media news and media embrace two principles: get rid of the totem news and media news and media of section 28 and offer reassurance
  • Guardian: Tory split in vote to scrap section 28 - Nicholas Watt, political correspondent. Tory divisions over section local government bill local government bill - section 28 - section 28 28 were laid bare last night when Iain local government bill - section 28 local government bill - section 28 Duncan Smith voted to retain local government bill - section 28 the contentious clause local government bill - section 28 which bans local government bill - section 28 the promotion of homosexuality in schools.

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