Shipping, Storage, and Logistics Business and Economy Jordan Middle East

Offering transportation services including express delivery, customs clearance, logistics and special services, airfreight forwarding, ocean freight, distribution and warehousing. Offers on-line tracking of shipment service.

    Top: Regional: Middle East: Jordan: Business and Economy

Shipping, Storage, and Logistics

See Also:
  • Sun Transport Services - Provides transportation and forwarding services for shippers in the Middle jordan East and the Arabian gulf.
  • Aramex International - Total Transportation Solutions - Offering transportation services including express delivery, customs clearance, shipping, storage, and business and economy logistics logistics and special services, airfreight forwarding, ocean freight, shipping, storage, business and economy and logistics distribution and warehousing. Offers on-line tracking of shipment shipping, business and economy storage, and logistics service.
  • Al Jazy Shipping and Forwarding - Services include air, land and sea freight forwarding, business and economy chartering, customs clearance and route and site survey.

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