Maniitsoq Localities Greenland North America

The Maniitsoq area has been populated for more than 3000 years. The earliest settlements were from the Saqqaq cultures, with later settlements by the Inuit cultures as well. Early European whale hunters visited the area beginning in the 17th century, but the first European settlement wasn’t established until 1755. The first municipal council was elected in 1951, and the formation of the Home Rule Government in 1979 gave way to the formation of the political parties and municipal elections found today. The town itself is home to a vocational school, and also includes three small settlements: Kangaamiut, Napasoq and Atammik. Kangaamiut, located just north of the town is the largest settlement in Greenland. Fishing is the primary industry with a large factory located in Kangaamiut, but the settlement also has its own sports center and newspaper.

    Top: Regional: North America: Greenland: Localities


  • Municipality of Maniitsoq - Official town site. Offers information on local localities government, schools greenland and tourism. Versions available in localities English, Greenlandic, and Danish.

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