Department of Health and Human Services Executive Branch Government United States
Uniformed service led by the Surgeon General, providing highly-trained and mobile health professionals who promote public health, deliver health services to federal beneficiaries, and furnish health expertise in time of war or other emergency.
Top: Regional: North America: United States: Government: Executive Branch: Department of Health and Human Services
See Also:
- Top/Regional/North America/United States/Government/Legislative Branch/Senate/Committees/Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions
- Top/Regional/North America/United States/Society and Culture/Disability Resources/Government
- Top/Health/Medicine/Reference/Government Agencies
- Top/Computers/Security/Policy/HIPAA
- DMORT - Disaster Mortuary Operational Response Team. A team of government forensic specialists department of health and human services who respond to mass fatality events government for the National Disaster department of health and human services Medical System. Includes regional government training information, news, history, applications, chat department of health and human services room, frequently government asked ques
- Insure Kids Now - A White House initiative managed by the Department government of Health and Human Services to insure America\'s government children.
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services - The United States government\\'s principal agency for protecting executive branch the executive branch health of all Americans and providing essential executive branch human services.
- U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps - Uniformed service led by the Surgeon General, providing government highly-trained and executive branch mobile health professionals who promote public government health, deliver health services executive branch to federal beneficiaries, and government furnish health expertise in time of executive branch war or government other emergency.
- - A portal to the Web sites of a government number of department of health and human services multi-agency health initiatives and activities of government the U.S. Department of department of health and human services Health and Human Services government and other Federal departments and agencies.
- Healthfinder - A guide to reliable consumer health information from the Federal executive branch Government
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