Genealogy Society and Culture Illinois United States

Yahoo! Groups list for people interested in Illinois genealogy, surnames, ancestors, and personal histories. Includes surname database and links plus a cemetery database.

    Top: Regional: North America: United States: Illinois: Society and Culture


See Also:
  • StateGenSites: Illinois - Genealogy news plus surname queries, family research tips, articles and genealogy genealogy search tools. Offers a variety of categories.
  • Illinois Research at The Records Room - Locate resources (online listings, books, CD-Rom, lookups and addresses) for vital records in each county within the state of Illinois.
  • The Piper Information Center - Contains historical and genealogical information for Marshall, Woodford, genealogy Putnam, LaSalle, society and culture and Bureau counties, also contains the genealogy family histories of the society and culture Cassell, Beck, Daily, Norton, genealogy Lyons, Dinkey and Berry families.
  • Ilroute66 - Yahoo! Groups list for people interested in Illinois society and culture genealogy genealogy, surnames, ancestors, and personal histories. Includes society and culture genealogy surname database and links plus a cemetery database.
  • Illinois Message Board - Discussion forum for interested genealogists.
  • Cemetery Records of Illinois - Online burial records and tombstone inscriptions from Illinois society and culture illinois cemeteries.
  • ALHN Illinois History and Genealogy - Contains records for genealogical and historical research at both state and county levels. Free access to online documents and records are available to the researcher (census, cemeteries, newspapers).

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