Presbyterian Christianity Religion Society and Culture
Includes history, doctrine, subscription information for and selected articles from the Presbyterian Banner magazine, online resources, and congregation contact details.
Top: Regional: Oceania: Australia: Society and Culture: Religion: Christianity
See Also:
- Church in Queensland - Presbyterian - Presbyterian Church of Queensland is a gospel centred, presbyterian evangelical Christian religion organisation. We are committed to sharing presbyterian the Good News of religion Jesus Christ and encouraging presbyterian one another
- Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Australia - Features articles and commentary, downloadable books and literature, religion RealAudio sermons, christianity meeting times, services, and contact information.
- Presbyterian Church of Eastern Australia - Includes history, doctrine, subscription information for and selected articles from the Presbyterian Banner magazine, online resources, and congregation contact details.
- Presbyterian Reformed Church of Australia - Church information, downloadable sermons, congregation contact details and christianity service times, and study notes.
- Westminster Presbyterian Church - Australia - Mission and vision statements, history, selection of articles christianity from the religion Westminster Messenger, and national and state christianity contact information.
- World Wide Web Witness Inc. - Extensive collection of Christian Apologetics resources and information.
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