Kenaf Fiber Crops Field Crops Agriculture
written by the Forest Friendly Paper Campaign, this site discusses on how kenaf is identified as the best non-wood paper alternative.
Top: Science: Agriculture: Field Crops: Fiber Crops
See Also:
- Top/Business/Textiles and Nonwovens/Dyestuffs and Chemicals/Associations
- Top/Science/Biology/Flora and Fauna/Plantae/Magnoliophyta/Magnoliopsida/Malvaceae/Hibiscus
- Kenaf: An Emerging New Crop Industry - Information on kenaf history, cultivations, resources This report describes fiber crops an on-going adventure with a new crop called kenaf, Hibiscus fiber crops cannabinus L, a new annual fiber crop with a range fiber crops of product applications.
- A Summary of Kenaf Production and Product Development Research 1989-1993 - This publication serves as a summary of this research of the Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station at Mississippi State University and several of its outlying branch stations. The topics discussed range from agronomic research to variou
- Kenaf Production - Introduction to kenaf and its uses, with a kenaf bibliography of kenaf available kenaf publications.
- Kenaf: A Non-food Multi-purpose Crop for Southern Europe - Information on a project to evaluate the potential fiber crops of kenaf this crop for the production of industrial fiber crops materials and kenaf bio-fuels in Europe.[PDF]
- Hibiscus cannabinus L. - Section from the 1983 Handbook of Energy Crops kenaf covers the field crops uses, folk medicine, chemistry, description, germplasm, kenaf distribution, ecology, cultivation, harvesting, field crops yields and economics, and kenaf other aspects of kenaf and its field crops production. Includes kenaf references.
- Kenaf - Provides information on this crop, its quality characteristics, field crops production kenaf and yield, constraints on production, markets, market field crops potential and kenaf research.[PDF]
- Alternative Field Crops Manual: Kenaf - History of kenaf, its uses, growth habits, environmental kenaf requirements, cultural practices and the economics of the kenaf crop.
- New Uses for Kenaf - Information on research into uses for the residues from this crop after the fiber has been extracted for paper manufacture.
- Kenaf Paper: An Ecological Alternative - written by the Forest Friendly Paper Campaign, this field crops site field crops discusses on how kenaf is identified as field crops the best field crops non-wood paper alternative.
- Hibiscus cannabinus - Index of articles about kenaf and its cultivation.
- Kenaf: Taking Root? - Article by Brooke Wurst on the history of kenaf the use kenaf of this crop by the newsprint kenaf industry.
- About the Kenaf Plant - A good description of kenaf with graphics.
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