Nuts Fruits Horticulture Agriculture

Walnut trees take a long time to grow before they are mature. Information on growing them for both their fruit and their timber.

    Top: Science: Agriculture: Horticulture: Fruits


See Also:
  • Harvesting Nuts, Improving Lives in Brazil - Article by Bruno Taitson on the result of training producers nuts to use best practices in harvesting, drying, storing and transporting nuts their nuts.
  • Brazil Nuts - The Brazil Nut Project, initiated by the Amazon nuts Conservation Association, aims to integrate field research with nuts better management policies so as to increase the nuts viability of Brazil nuts as a forest crop.
  • Organic Farming in the Tropics and Subtropics: Macadamia Nuts - Covers all aspects of plant cultivation, biological methods nuts of plant protection, harvesting and post-harvest treatment.[PDF]
  • Crop Profile for Walnuts in California - General production information on this crop, the cultural nuts practices involved, fruits insect pests, diseases, nematodes and their nuts control by biological, cultural fruits and chemical means.[PDF]
  • Macademia Nut Grower Fact Sheet - Information on all aspects of cultivating this crop, with special horticulture reference to New Zealand.
  • Chestnuts: Castanea spp. - Information on this crop, its taxonomy, history, world horticulture production, botanical description, culture, harvesting and nutrition.
  • Growing Black Walnut - Walnut trees take a long time to grow before they nuts are mature. Information on growing them for both their fruit nuts and their timber.
  • Off-Site Resource on Nuts and Fruit - Links to resources on nut tree growing and horticulture nut tree nuts cultivars.
  • Crop Profile for Pistachios in California - General production information on this crop, the insect nuts pests and fruits diseases that affect it and their nuts cultural, biological and chemical fruits controls, and weed control.[PDF]
  • Nuts with Commercial Potential for America's Heartland - Information on site requirements and suitable cultivars for nuts the cultivation of filberts, chestnuts and walnuts.
  • Gevuina: A Cool Climate Macademia - Information from the New Zealand Institute for Crop and Food horticulture Research on the cultivation of this crop and its potential.[PDF]
  • Australia’s Most Delicious Bush Nut: Macademia Nuts - Information on these nuts, their history, distribution, cultivation, nuts nutritional benefits nuts and uses.
  • Start a Nut Orchard - Information from the Society of Ontario Nut Growers fruits on all aspects of establishing and caring for fruits nut trees.
  • Vegans Grow Nuts - Information on the cultivation of nut-producing trees, the fruits products of fruits which can add protein and variety fruits to vegan diets.
  • Pest and Disease Analysis in Hazelnuts - Information on the pests attacking this crop, the nuts predators of horticulture those pests and the harmful and nuts beneficial mite species, with horticulture a pest and disease nuts fact sheet.[PDF]
  • Nut Tree Growing in Kentucky - Information on planting, fertilizing and pruning these trees, protection from fruits pests, diseases, harvesting, storing and cracking the nuts. The information fruits on cultivars is particularly relevant to Kentucky.
  • Restoring the American Chestnut Tree - Information on the breeding of chestnut trees resistant nuts to chestnut nuts blight by the process of back nuts crossing.[PDF]
  • Nut Trees - Information on several different types of nut tree nuts suitable for horticulture growing in Ontario.
  • The Brazil Nut Industry: Past, Present and Future - Article by Scott A. Mori on Bertholletia excelsa, fruits its natural history, the harvesting of the nuts fruits from the Amazonian forests and the problems of fruits plantation cultivation.
  • Hazelnuts: Current Production Research - Information from the Oregon Hazelnut Marketing Board on horticulture their research including their hazelnut breeding program, the horticulture micro-propagation of hazelnuts, pest management strategies and foliar horticulture fertilizers.
  • Hazelnut - Information on the common hazel, Corylus avellana, its horticulture botany, cultivation nuts and uses.
  • Organic Farming in the Tropics and Subtropics: Wild Collection of Brazil Nuts - Covers Brazil nut production, harvesting, storing, processing and nuts packing.[PDF]
  • Areca catechu: Betel Nut Palm - Information on growing this crop which is cultivated in East nuts Africa, South Asia and the Pacific Islands.[PDF]

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