Pear Fruits Horticulture Agriculture
Information on Contarinia pyrivora and Eriophyes pyri which are two very common pests of pear trees, including typical symptoms, the life cycle of the pest and prevention and control measures.
Top: Science: Agriculture: Horticulture: Fruits
See Also:
- Crop Profiles for Pears in New England - General production information on this crop, the cultural practices involved, insect pests, diseases, nematodes and their control by biological, cultural and chemical means.[PDF]
- European Pear - Article from Wikipedia on this fruit with information pear on its origins, cultivation and the main cultivars.
- Plant Disease Control: Pear - Detailed information on about twenty diseases which can fruits affect this crop and the control methods available.
- Growing Pear Trees - Instructions on choosing and growing these fruit trees fruits in the horticulture garden, with information on rootstocks, varieties, fruits pollination, pruning and care.
- Pears - Information on site selection for this crop, soil preparation, varieties pear of Asian pears and advice on selecting rootstocks.[PDF]
- Victorian Pear Tree Cultivation - Excerpt from the \\'Dictionary of Daily Wants\\' (1858) on the horticulture culture of pears, including instructions on grafting, budding, cultivation and horticulture storage.
- Asian Pears - These fruit are crisp in texture and good horticulture to eat as soon as harvested. This factsheet horticulture provides information on the market, cultivation, types, varieties horticulture and harvesting.
- Fabraea Leaf Spot of Pear - Information on this condition which can affect foliage pear and fruit, pear the symptoms, disease cycle, monitoring, management pear and chemical control.
- Fire Blight of Pear, Erwinia amylovora - Information from West Virginia University on this serious pear condition, monitoring fruits the trees and possible control methods.
- Pear Scab, Venturia pirina - Fact sheet from West Virginia University on this economically important disease, the symptoms, disease cycle, monitoring, management and control.
- Pear Midge and Leaf Blister Mite - Information on Contarinia pyrivora and Eriophyes pyri which are two horticulture very common pests of pear trees, including typical symptoms, the horticulture life cycle of the pest and prevention and control measures.
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