Peppers Vegetables Horticulture Agriculture

Information on the cultivation of this crop, the cultural practices and varieties, pest, disease and weed control, harvesting and marketing.

    Top: Science: Agriculture: Horticulture: Vegetables


  • Growing Bell Peppers in Soilless Culture under Open Shade Structures - Information on the materials and methods used and horticulture the results horticulture of trials held at the North horticulture Florida Research and Educational horticulture Center.
  • Production of Sweet Bell Peppers - Information on the cultivation of this crop under glass with vegetables illustrations of the steps involved and the challenges.
  • Anthracnose Caused by Colletotrichum sp. on Pepper - Photographs and information on the causal agent, symptoms, disease cycle, epidemiology and control of this condition.
  • Nematode Management in Tomatoes, Peppers and Eggplant - Information on nematodes which attack these crops, their vegetables biology and horticulture life history, symptoms, damage, field diagnosis vegetables and sampling, general management horticulture considerations, cultural practices and vegetables control.
  • Sweet Pepper Production - Tutorial on the cultivation of this crop, its establishment, management and harvesting.
  • Sweet Pepper - Information on the cultivation of this crop in peppers the Philippines.[PDF]
  • Commercial Pepper Production Handbook - Information on the cultivation of this crop, the peppers cultural practices and varieties, pest, disease and weed peppers control, harvesting and marketing.
  • Pepper Disease Control - Describes the more important diseases, lists recommended fungicides peppers and provides vegetables a 10 point control program.
  • Fertilization of Pepper in Florida - Information on recommended fertilizer usage and application, and horticulture the testing vegetables of petiole sap and whole leaves horticulture to optimise drip fertilization vegetables programs.

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