Gravitational Waves Observatories Astronomy
To develop advanced techniques needed for a future km-sized interferometer and catch gravitational waves that may occur by chance within our local group of galaxies.
Top: Science: Astronomy: Observatories
Gravitational Waves
See Also:
- Rome 1 Group of the ROG Collaboration - Information, antennas, papers, research fields of interest, data exchange, future astronomy projects, and related groups.
- The Virgo Project - Collaboration between teams for the realization of an gravitational waves interferometric gravitational wave detector.
- Gravitational Wave Group - Members, research, thesis, proceedings, LCGT Project, information, and links.
- Listen to the Universe - Simulated sounds of gravitational waves created by spiraling gravitational waves binary systems.
- Ripples in Curvature - Transparencies of a talk with sound files of astronomy compact coalescing binaries.
- Washington University Gravity Group - Large collection of gravity links.
- TAMA300 - To develop advanced techniques needed for a future km-sized interferometer astronomy and catch gravitational waves that may occur by chance within astronomy our local group of galaxies.
- The AURIGA Detector - Ultracryogenic gravitational wave detector experiment at Legnaro National astronomy Laboratories, Italy.
- GEO 600 - Project aiming at the direct detection of gravitational waves by means of a laser interferometer of 600 m armlength.
- Chilling Mirrors with Light - Physics news article.
- Australian International Gravitational Research Centre - Research, public outreach, documents, logs, and information.
- WUGRAV - Computer simulated movies of colliding neutron stars, gravitational astronomy waves propagation, and older movies.
- Gravity Discovery Centre - International gravitational observatory at the Gravity Discovery Centre astronomy in Western gravitational waves Australia. Gravity wave research. Interactive physics, astronomy cosmology and environmental displays.
- Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory - Dedicated to the detection of cosmic gravitational waves and the harnessing of these waves for scientific research.
- Tsubono Group - The group, data archive, and links.
- Laser Interferometer Space Antenna - General and technical information with research studies.
- Australian Consortium for Interferometric Gravitational Astronomy - Introduction, objectives, news, management structure, board, and institutions.
- Center for Gravitational Wave Physics - People, visitors, research, outreach, this week, events, news, gravitational waves and astronomy links.
- LIGO Livingston - General public, staff and collaborators, installation, teacher resources, gravitational waves and index.
- Gravity Wave Analysis from LIGO Prototype - Physics news article.
- LIGO Hanford Observatory - Overview, science, news, events, star parties, teacher\\'s corner, observatories field trips, observatories information, and directions
- ESA - Space Science - Contents, space science, multimedia, media centre, resources, missions, gravitational waves and gravitational waves services.
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