Sperm, Ova, Embryo Storage Cryobiology Biology
Provides cryopreservation and/or storage to individuals preserving their own sperm, embryos, testicular tissue, or ovarian tissue. Contact information for offices in New York and New Jersey.
Top: Science: Biology: Cryobiology
Sperm, Ova, Embryo Storage
See Also:
- Top/Health/Reproductive Health/Infertility/Clinics and Services
- Top/Science/Biology/Cryobiology/Cryonics
- Top/Science/Technology/Cryotechnology
- Embryo Storage and Disposal - National Conference of State Legislators offers listing of State Laws biology on Frozen Embryos.
- Cryos International - Sperm bank which specializes in delivery of cryopreserved cryobiology semen from biology screened donors. Offers fee list, FAQ cryobiology and a catalog of biology donors.
- Cancer Backup - Provides information on sperm storage before chemotherapy for sperm, ova, embryo storage cancer patients.
- Xytex Corporation - Xytex Corporation is a global provider of human cryobiology sperm to biology healthcare professionals and their patients.
- Biogenetics Corporation - Provides cryopreservation and/or storage to individuals preserving their biology own sperm, sperm, ova, embryo storage embryos, testicular tissue, or ovarian tissue. biology Contact information for sperm, ova, embryo storage offices in New York biology and New Jersey.
- Cryobanks International - Provides umbilical cord blood storage, personal blood storage, semen banking, cryobiology anonymous donor semen, and male infertility testing. Has a very cryobiology good FAQ section. In Altamonte Springs, Florida.
- Canine Cryobank - Cryopreservation of dog semen for breeding, and of biology cells for sperm, ova, embryo storage possible future cloning. In biology San Marcos, California.
- California Cryobank - Tissue bank for sperm and embryo storage in Los Angeles cryobiology and Palo Alto, California, and in Cambridge MA. Umbilical cryobiology cord blood storage in Santa Monica, California.
- Mouse Frozen Embryo and Sperm Archive (FESA) - Mouse sperm and embryo cryopreservation research and services. One biology of the largest research archives in the world. Part biology of the Mammalian Genetics Unit, Harwell UK
- The Sperm Bank of California - The Sperm Bank of California is a non biology profit sperm cryobiology bank offering donor insemination and sperm biology storage services.
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