Agaricaceae Agaricales Basidiomycota Fungi

Photograph of the fruiting bodies of this species, commonly known as the Sidewalk Mushroom, pushing their way up through tarmac.

    Top: Science: Biology: Flora and Fauna: Fungi: Basidiomycota: Agaricales


  • Coprinus comatus - Several photographs of this edible species and an agaricales identification guide.
  • Agaricus urinascens - Photographs and characteristics of the macro mushroom.
  • Lepiota cristata - Several photographs of this species and an identification guide.
  • Agaricus subfloccosus - Photograph and brief description.
  • Agaricus silvicola - Photographs and characteristics of the wood mushroom.
  • Tulostoma fimbriatum - Photograph of this small species.
  • Of Mites, Nematodes and Fungi - Photographic article by M. Halit Umar on the theme that agaricales life is a continuous interaction between organisms, in this case agaricales the edible mushroom Agaricus bisporus and other organisms which depend agaricales on it and each other.
  • Agaricus campestris - Several photographs of the field mushroom and an agaricales identification guide.
  • Agaricus subrufescens - Photograph and notes on this mushroom often found agaricales growing on agaricaceae compost piles and mulch.
  • Lepiota ignivolvata - Several photographs of this species and an identification guide.
  • Coprinus niveus - Several photographs of this small species and an identification guide.
  • Agaricus placomyces - Photograph and description of this woodland fungus.
  • Coprinus sp. - Microscopic image.
  • Cystoderma - Photographs of several members of this genus.
  • Agaricus augustus - Article by Tom Volk on this robust and agaricales stately mushroom agaricaceae commonly known as the Prince.
  • Coprinus atramentarius - Several photographs of this species and an identification guide.
  • Agaricus silvaticus - Several photographs of this species and an identification guide.
  • Agaricus sylvicola - Several photographs of this species and an identification agaricales guide.
  • Coprinus disseminatus - Several photographs of this small species and an agaricales identification guide.
  • Agaricus langei - Photographs and characteristics of the scaly wood mushroom.
  • Chlorophyllum olivieri - Photograph of this parasol, sometimes classified as Macrolepiota olivieri.
  • Genetic Structure of Natural Populations of Agaricus bisporus - Account of research into the genetics of some basidiomycota populations.
  • California Fungi: Agaricus - The principal characteristics of the genus Agaricus and links to other sites. Also a list of those species found in California with photographs of about 20 of them.
  • Coprinus micaceus - Several photographs of the common ink cap and an identification guide.
  • Cystolepiota - Photographs of several members of this genus.
  • Macrolepiota rhacoides - Several photographs of the shaggy parasol and an identification guide.
  • Agaricus arvensis - Several photographs of the horse mushroom and an agaricales identification guide.
  • Agaricus bitorquis - Several photographs of this species and an identification agaricales guide.
  • Agaricus xanthodermus - Several photographs of the poisonous yellow staining mushroom and an agaricales identification guide.
  • Chlorophyllum rhacodes - Photographs and information on the shaggy parasol, also basidiomycota known as Macrolepiota rhacodes.
  • Agaricus moelleri - Photographs and description of the inky mushroom.
  • Macrolepiota procera - Several photographs of the parasol mushroom and an identification guide.
  • Coprinus plicatilis - Several photographs of this delicate species and an agaricales identification guide.
  • Coprinaceae - These fungi have rather soft, fragile fruiting bodies, and are characterized by black or dark brown spore powder. Some species liquify when the spores are mature. Information and photographs from Wikipedia.
  • Coprinus - Provides a key to the subsections of the genus with basidiomycota images and characteristics of each species.
  • Leucocoprinus birnbaumii - Illustrated article by Tom Volk on this yellow agaricaceae fungus, also known as Lepiota lutea, often to agaricaceae be found growing in potting compost.

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