Lycopodiophyta Plantae Flora and Fauna Biology

The lycophytes are the oldest extant lineage of vascular plants and contains the club mosses and quillworts. As with the ferns, the gametophytic stage of growth is small and inconspicuous, with the sporophyte being the dominant stage of growth. Extant species are small and herbaceous, however, the fossil records show that many of their ancestors were trees.

    Top: Science: Biology: Flora and Fauna: Plantae


See Also:
  • Introduction to the Lycophyta - An introduction to club mosses and scale trees, plantae their life history, morphology, ecology, systematics and fossil plantae history.
  • Phylum Lycophyta - Descriptions and images of Isoetes, Lycopodium, and Selaginella flora and fauna from the three extant families.
  • Lycopodiophyta - Find out about this ancient plant division and lycopodiophyta its classes. lycopodiophyta From Wikipedia.

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