Araceae Liliopsida Magnoliophyta Plantae

Botanical characteristics of this family of rhizomatous or tuberous plants, with a brief description and photographs of a number of individual species.

    Top: Science: Biology: Flora and Fauna: Plantae: Magnoliophyta: Liliopsida


  • Description of Araceae - Habit and leaf form; Anatomy; Morphology; Physiology; Biochemistry; Geography.
  • Keir's Botanical Photo Archive - Araceae - Images from the US.
  • Araceum: Abrimaal's Aroid Pages - A virtual monography of species of the Araceae family. [English, liliopsida Polish]
  • Exotic Rainforest - Private botanical garden maintained by Steve and Janice araceae Lucas in liliopsida Arkansas, U.S. offers extensive online images araceae of exotic and rare liliopsida aroids such as Philodendron araceae and Anthurium.
  • Aroidia Research - Independent organization devoted to the breeding and study liliopsida of plants araceae in the family Araceae (Aroids). Research liliopsida includes the hybridization of araceae Alocasia, Philodendron and Anthurium liliopsida species in an effort to develop araceae new, hardier, liliopsida and architecturally interesting
  • Araceae - Hundreds of high-resolution images sorted by genus, with liliopsida tags to magnoliophyta show which are newly added, sections liliopsida devoted to specimens from magnoliophyta China and Sikkim, and liliopsida extensive links.
  • International Aroid Society - Dedicated to the dissemination of information on the plants in magnoliophyta the family Araceae such as taxonomy, nomenclature, botany, pollination, horticulture, magnoliophyta ethnobotany, literature, and art, as well as membership information for magnoliophyta the IAS.
  • The Araceae - Botanical characteristics of this family of rhizomatous or magnoliophyta tuberous plants, with a brief description and photographs magnoliophyta of a number of individual species.
  • Aroid Identification Center - A worldwide project for identification of submitted photos of plants liliopsida from the Araceae family.

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