Musaceae Liliopsida Magnoliophyta Plantae

This is the most up-to-date synthesis of available information on Musaceae in China although research is not complete. 14 species are keyed out here, 4 of which are endemic and 3 introduced.

    Top: Science: Biology: Flora and Fauna: Plantae: Magnoliophyta: Liliopsida


  • Musaceae in Flora of China - This is the most up-to-date synthesis of available magnoliophyta information on musaceae Musaceae in China although research is magnoliophyta not complete. 14 musaceae species are keyed out magnoliophyta here, 4 of which are endemic musaceae and 3 magnoliophyta introduced.
  • GRIN Genera of Musaceae - Musaceae database in the Germplasm Resources Information Network liliopsida of the magnoliophyta USDA, ARS.
  • Musaceae - The characteristics of the Banana family which includes about 40 species.
  • Description of Musaceae - General botanical description and other technical information on magnoliophyta Musaceae from Watson and Dallwitz\'s Families of Flowering magnoliophyta Plants.
  • The Musaceae - An annotated list of the species of Ensete, Musa and musaceae Musella.

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