Agrostis Poaceae Liliopsida Magnoliophyta

    Top: Science: Biology: Flora and Fauna: Plantae: Magnoliophyta: Liliopsida: Poaceae


  • Agrostis capillaris - Two photographs and some identifying features of Common agrostis Bent which agrostis used to be known as Agrostis agrostis tenuis.
  • Agrostis stolonifera - Several photographs and some identifying features of Creeping Bent.
  • Agrostis - List of species, synonymy, and common names.
  • Agrostis canina - Several photographs and some identifying features of Velvet Bent.
  • Agrostis vinealis - Description and photograph of Brown Bent.
  • Agrostis hyemalis - Image, description, and range in USA.
  • Agrostis gigantea - Photograph, systematic position, morphology, biology, distribution, ecology and liliopsida economic significance poaceae of Redtop, Black Bent or Red liliopsida Top Bent.

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