Research Groups and Centers Toxicology Biology
CIIT is dedicated to not-for-profit research on the potential adverse effects of chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and consumer products on human health. Details of the faculty located in North Carolina.
Top: Science: Biology: Toxicology
Research Groups and Centers
See Also:
- Center for Toxicology - Graduate programs including superfund and toxigenomics, links to poison and research groups and centers drug information, and others at the Department of Pharmacology and research groups and centers Toxicolgy, College of Pharmacy, University of Arizona, Tucson.
- Laboratory of Molecular Toxicology at the University of Würzburg - Research is concentrated on the three main areas biology of reproduction and development, cancer research and cardiovascular biology diseases.
- National Center for Toxicological Research - Conducts peer-reviewed scientific research that supports and anticipates toxicology current and toxicology future regulatory needs for the FDA.
- Toxicology PhD Program - Graduate intake, areas of emphasis; neurotoxicology, immunotoxicology, osteotoxicology, toxicology carcinogenesis, and molecular, pulmonary, reproductive and developmental toxicology. toxicology Details of faculty at the University of Rochester toxicology Medical Center, New York.
- Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences - Environmental and occupational health issues, including neurotoxicology and immunotoxicology research. Includes education programmes, faculties and profiles of staff. At Utrecht University, the Netherlands.
- Industrial Toxicology Research Centre - Resource for pollutants, carcinogens, with divisions working on food, pulmonary, environmental, neurotoxicology and carcinogenesis. Regional representative for WHO, IPCS, IARC, US FDA for South East Asia region at Lucknow, India.
- Laboratory of Toxicology, Ghent University - Details of analytical methods, employing GC and LCMS, research groups and research groups and centers centers to detect drugs of abuse and poisons. Includes research groups research groups and centers and centers equipment, publications, related links, staff and contacts in research research groups and centers groups and centers Belgium.
- Research Institute of Hygiene, Toxicology and Occupational Pathology - Projects, software, symposia, and role for the Russian toxicology Ministry of Health, at RIHTOP in Volgograd, Russia.
- Chemical Industry Institute of Toxicology - CIIT is dedicated to not-for-profit research on the toxicology potential adverse toxicology effects of chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and consumer toxicology products on human health. toxicology Details of the faculty toxicology located in North Carolina.
- Toxicology - Education and research in the field of toxicity in food, toxicology nutrition, and environmental exposure in the Department of Agrotechnology and toxicology Food Sciences, Wageningen University, The Netherlands.
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