Domestic Animal Diversity Agricultural Biodiversity Environment
Information about this rarest traditional, dual purpose, hardy Irish breed of ancient lineage. Breed history and characteristics and current details of all registered Irish Moiled cattle and their breeders.
Top: Science: Environment: Biodiversity: Agricultural
Domestic Animal Diversity
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Editor's Picks:
Karen Commitment to Livestock Breeders Rights

- SVF Foundation, USA - SVF Foundation aids in the Conservation and Preservation agricultural of Heritage agricultural Breeds, Rare Breeds and Endangered Livestock agricultural and is located in agricultural Newport Rhode Island, USA. agricultural Site contains details of animals conserved agricultural by SVF agricultural as well as links to key resources.
- Canada: Rare Breed Livestock Farmer Directory - Up to date listing of farms with registered agricultural rare breed domestic animal diversity farm livestock. Provides historic, Canadian pedigree agricultural information and page will domestic animal diversity compute Wright\\'s Inbreeding Coefficients agricultural for farms, individual animals or proposed domestic animal diversity matings.
- International Technical Conference on Animal Genetic Resources - The First International Technical Conference on Animal Genetic agricultural Resources for agricultural Food and Agriculture , 1-7 September agricultural 2007, Interlaken, Switzerland, facilitated agricultural by FAO.
- Domestic Animal Diversity Information Service (DAD-IS) - The key communication and information tool for implementing biodiversity the FAO Global Strategy for the biodiversity Management of Farm Animal Genetic Resources (AnGR).
- EAAP Animal Genetic Data Bank - Comprehensive site of the European Association for Animal Production (EAAP) covering the status of animal breeds in the 46 member countries in Europe. Full datasets on all breeds. Contact details of National Coordinators.
- Rare Breeds Canada - Organization dedicated to the preservation of rare breeds of livestock agricultural and poultry. Located in Castleton, Ontario. Includes mission statement, photos, agricultural species priority list and information on the host farm program.
- USA: Randall Cattle Registry - Comprehensive information about conserving the rare Randall cattle breed. Current breed status, photo gallery, links to related sites.
- Rare Breeds International (RBI) - The only international non-governmental organisation (NGO) that aims biodiversity to prevent domestic animal diversity the loss of diversity in global biodiversity farm animal genetic resources domestic animal diversity (AnGR) through encouraging and biodiversity supporting relevant activities and research by domestic animal diversity NGOs and biodiversity governments. Information o
- Diversity of Sri Lankan village chicken - Site presents information about an assessment, covering all districts of Sri Lanka except Mulativu and Kilinochchi, of the diversity among village chicken. Includes photos of breeds and production systems.
- American Livestock Breeds Conservancy - A North Carolina-based nonprofit membership organization founded in agricultural 1977, working to protect nearly 100 breeds of agricultural domestic livestock and waterfowl. Research and educational resources, agricultural publications, posters and events.
- League for Pastoral Peoples - Supports local communities that share the care and raising of indigenous domesticated animals for commercial purposes. Primary work is being done in India. Lists events, publications, photos and resource links.
- Ryeland Sheep - One of the oldest British sheep breeds and biodiversity a rare domestic animal diversity breed in some countries. Earliest reference biodiversity in 12th century of domestic animal diversity Herefordshire monks trading wool biodiversity from these sheep grazed on ryegrass. domestic animal diversity Site provides biodiversity breed history, details, news and links to other domestic animal diversity biodiversity relevant r
- Rare Breeds Survival Trust (RBST) - Founded in 1973 to conserve Britain\\'s native livestock domestic animal diversity biodiversity heritage - and since then, no breed of domestic animal diversity biodiversity British farm animal has become extinct. Provides official domestic animal diversity biodiversity summary of the annual RBST Watchlist with over domestic animal diversity biodiversity 70 rare UK breeds, including cattle, goats, horses, domestic animal diversity biodiversity pigs
- Arreton Rare Breeds - Website offers information on specific British Isles rare agricultural breeds: Irish domestic animal diversity Moiled and White Park Cattle, Wensleydale agricultural and White Face Woodland domestic animal diversity Sheep and Cleveland Bay agricultural Horses.
- The Irish Draught Horse Conservancy - Site directs users to the organisation which conserves, agricultural preserves, and agricultural protects the Irish Draught Horse breed agricultural through educating the public agricultural and facilitating dialogue between agricultural breeders of Irish Draught horses worldwide. agricultural Gathering in agricultural Illinois in September 200
- Ancient Cattle of Wales (ACW) - Website of the ACW promotes conservation and use domestic animal diversity domestic animal diversity of the colourful breeds of traditional Welsh cattle, domestic animal diversity domestic animal diversity which trace their recorded history back to the domestic animal diversity domestic animal diversity 10th century. Limited information but links to organiser. domestic animal diversity domestic animal diversity Site also in Welsh.
- New Zealand Rare Breeds Conservation Society - It conserves, records and promotes rare and minority agricultural breeds of farm livestock in order to maintain agricultural genetic diversity. Website has information about breeds at agricultural risk; on-farm conservation projects and the development of agricultural a gene bank; and updated addresses to
- International Livestock Research Institute - biodiversity - Documenting genetic diversity among indigenous livestock breeds of developing countries, fostering conservation of indigenous breeds and designing breeding programmes to improve productivity in low-input environments
- Wiltshire Horn sheep - Wiltshire Horn was brought to the UK by biodiversity the Romans. agricultural It self-sheds in the Spring and biodiversity there is no need agricultural to shear. It is biodiversity also resistant to flystrike. Website provides agricultural background information biodiversity and guidance to handling and use of the agricultural biodiversity breed.
- Irish Moiled cattle society - Information about this rarest traditional, dual purpose, hardy biodiversity Irish breed of ancient lineage. Breed history and biodiversity characteristics and current details of all registered Irish biodiversity Moiled cattle and their breeders.
- Rare Breeds in Yorkshire, UK - Rare breeds of livestock. Links to sheep,cattle,pigs,goats and poultry rare domestic animal diversity breeds sites.
- Rare Breeds of Australia - This organisation the amalgamation of the Australian Rare agricultural and Minority agricultural Breeds Association and Rare Breeds Victoria. agricultural Site has breed profiles, agricultural events calendar, newsletter and agricultural educational project details.
- Diversity of small livestock - Pages on domestic animal diversity in a site that covers livestock in general, and smallstock in particular (including sheep, goats and poultry) emphasising their important role in enhancing the livelihoods of the poor. Contains 'Smallstock Toolbox' that
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