Environmental Health
PBS investigative report by Bill Moyers about how human health and safety have been put at risk by the chemical industry. Includes documents obtained during a lawsuit against chemical companies. Advocates citizen action.
Top: Science: Environment: Environmental Health
See Also:
- Top/Science/Environment/Hazardous Waste
- Top/Health/Medicine/Medical Specialties/Pulmonary Medicine
- Top/Science/Technology/Safety Engineering
- Top/Health/Conditions and Diseases/Allergies
- Top/Health/Public Health and Safety
- Top/Society/Issues/Environment/Health
- Top/Society/Issues/Environment/Food and Drink
- Top/Science/Agriculture/Pests and Diseases
- Top/Regional/North America/United States/Government/Agencies/Independent/Environmental Protection Agency
- Top/Science/Technology/Acoustics, Ultrasound and Vibration
- Top/Science/Biology/Microbiology/Environmental Microbiology
- Top/Health/Occupational Health and Safety
- Top/Science/Biology/Ecology/Ecotoxicology
- Institute of Occupational, Social, and Environmental Medicine, Erfurt, Germany - Discusses the institute\\'s background and current and past projects. Indoor environment air quality is a particular focus. Bilingual site has more environment extensive information in Deutsch than in English.
- Wisconsin Department of Health and Family Services: Environmental Health Resources - Collection of fact sheets, other information materials, and environmental health links on diverse topics, including toxic chemicals, radiation, environmental health eating safe fish, indoor air, EMF, drinking water, environmental health lead poisoning, and treated wood products.
- Trade Secrets - A Moyers Report - PBS investigative report by Bill Moyers about how science human health environment and safety have been put at science risk by the chemical environment industry. Includes documents obtained science during a lawsuit against chemical companies. environment Advocates citizen science action.
- Fiberglass Information Network - Information on the health hazards of respirable, durable mineral fibers. science Victims\' stories, symptoms, background, identification and clean up tips.
- Center for Bioenvironmental Research at Tulane/Xavier Universities. - Provides information about the CBR and its mission science to conduct and coordinate research and teaching to science enhance global understanding of environmental issues and provide science solutions through innovative communication and technology.
- Global Warming Could Worsen Allergies, Study Finds - NY Times article about study on potential for global climate change to increase the prevalence of ragweed. [Subscription required - free.]
- Health and Environment Research - World Research Institute research into the interaction between environment human disease, environmental health pollution, and large-scale environmental, development, and environment demographic changes.
- European Environment Agency - Collection of indicators, reports, links, data sets and science targets on European human health topics related to science the environment.
- Environmental Change and Human Health in Countries of Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific - Report by Stockholm Environmental Institute concludes that "old" science problems of science inadequate science science science science science science science science science science water, poor science sanitation, smoky dwellings, and a science lack of food, together with science changes in the science world economy pose
- National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals - CDC National Center for Environmental Health report of ongoing assessment environment of the U.S. population\'s exposure to environmental chemicals using biomonitoring.
- Longitudinal Cohort Study of Environmental Effects on Child Health and Development - News and information about progress of this U.S. government initiative.
- National Center for Environmental Assessment (U.S. EPA) - National resource center for the overall process of environment human health science and ecological risk assessments; the integration environment of hazard, dose-response, and science exposure data and models environment to produce risk characterizations.
- International Society of Exposure Analysis - Fosters and advances the science of exposure analysis environmental health related to environmental contaminants, both for human populations environmental health and ecosystems. Includes conference announcements, newsletter, journal information, environmental health and other topics.
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