Journals Complex Systems Applications Math

Distributed, self-organizing electronic refereed journal on selected topics on complex systems and related sciences, published by the New England Complex Systems Institute.

    Top: Science: Math: Applications: Complex Systems


See Also:
  • Complex Systems - A journal devoted to the science, mathematics and complex systems engineering of systems. Abstracts free; full complex systems text to subscribers.
  • Progress In Complexity, Information and Design - An online journal which encourages the theoretical development, journals empirical application, and philosophical implications of information- and journals design-theoretic concepts for complex systems.
  • Complexity Digest - Collects and disseminates online information related to complexity applications science.
  • Econophysics Forum - Open journal of complexity
  • Journal of Complexity - Includes original research papers that contain results on complex systems complexity. Full text to subscribers.
  • Stochastics and Dynamics (SD) - Modeling, analyzing, quantifying and predicting stochastic phenomena in science applications and engineering from a dynamical system\'s point of view.
  • Emergence: Complexity and Organization - An international and interdisciplinary subscription journal about human organizations as complex systems complex systems and the implications of complexity science for those complex systems organizations.
  • InterJournal - Distributed, self-organizing electronic refereed journal on selected topics applications on complex systems and related sciences, published by applications the New England Complex Systems Institute.
  • Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems - An interdisciplinary journal covering computational, and theoretical aspects complex systems of applications phase transitions, critical phenomena, self-organization, bifurcations, chaos, complex systems fluctuation phenomena, applications pattern formation, fractals and complexity.

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