Societies Information Theory Applications Math

ISCID is a cross-disciplinary professional society that provides a forum for formulating, testing, and disseminating research on complex systems from an information- and design-theoretic framework.

    Top: Science: Math: Applications: Information Theory


Editor's Picks:

IEEE Information Theory Society* - Focuses on the processing, transmission, storage, and use of information, and the foundations of the communication process.

  • Quiprocone - EU research network: Quantum Information Processing and Communications applications Network of applications Excellence. Information on meetings, reports, applications jobs, projects, and further applications resources.
  • International Society for Complexity, Information and Design - ISCID is a cross-disciplinary professional society that provides societies a forum information theory for formulating, testing, and disseminating research societies on complex systems from information theory an information- and design-theoretic societies framework.

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