Education Logic and Foundations Math

A course in basic logic consisting of 5 studies with exercises and answers to promote the learning of logic. Homeschool, college, and seminary students.

    Top: Science: Math: Logic and Foundations


See Also:
  • Games Mathematicians Play - Mathematical games from a logical point of view: logic and foundations education strategies for games and using games in logic and foundations education descriptive complexity.
  • Disjunction - Theory and history of the binary connective \\'or\\'; from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy by Ray Jennings.
  • ASL Committee on Logic Education - Reports and resources from the Association of Symbolic logic and foundations Logic.
  • University of Alberta Logic Course - Includes an introduction to logic and formal systems, revolving around education the Mizar proof checker, and a guide to Mizar.
  • The Daily Translation - Problems on translation into a logical system, drawn from the math current news and updated daily.
  • Course on Description Logics - Slides and notes by Enrico Franconi.
  • Mission: Critical - Interactive tutorial for critical thinking.
  • Formal Methods Educational Materials - A repository for information related to formal methods logic and foundations education in education, including pointers to existing courses and logic and foundations education suggestions for examples and projects.
  • The Logic Cafe - An online textbook, courseware package, and homework assistant education for introductory symbolic logic. Includes multimedia support.
  • Logic Tutorial - An interactive tool teaching basic formal logic, rendering math truth tables math as clickable Johnston diagrams. With math notes on the Buddhist math Nagarjuna and modern symbolic math logic.
  • Logical Laws - This page includes a collection of logical laws math of the education first-order logic. This collection is based math on the Kleene\\'s collection education from his books \\'Introduction math to Metamathematics\\' and \\'Mathematical Logic\\' and education includes a math few additions.
  • The Logic Daemon - On-line proof checker, and texts.
  • Around Gödel's Theorem - (Hyper)textbook for students in mathematical logic, by Karlis education Podnieks.
  • The Logic Classroom - A course in basic logic consisting of 5 education studies with exercises and answers to promote the education learning of logic. Homeschool, college, and seminary students.
  • Logic Software from CSLI - Hyperproof, Tarski\\'s World, Turing\\'s World, and The Language math of First-order math Logic, educational logic software by Jon math Barwise and John Etchemendy
  • Gödel's Theorem and Information - G.J.Chaitin\\'s proof of Gödel\\'s theorem using arguments having an algorithmic information theory flavor.
  • A Problem Course in Mathematical Logic; by Stefan Bilaniuk - Volume I: Propositional and First-Order Logic. Volume logic and foundations education II: Computability and Incompleteness.
  • Infinity - Exploring the logical basis and practical meaning of infinite math sets.

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