Terahertz Electromagnetism Physics

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Rice University. Includes links to relevant press articles, a description of their work and list of publications.

    Top: Science: Physics: Electromagnetism


See Also:
  • TeraView - TeraView Ltd is the world’s first company solely devoted to electromagnetism the commercial exploitation of Terahertz light.
  • Kawase Initiative Research Unit - Works on 2-D imaging, generation of radiation and the Frohlich electromagnetism hypothesis. Includes a presentation of their work, a list electromagnetism of publications, and list of staff.
  • THz Science and Technology at RPI - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Mainly researches into the generation of physics terahertz beams. Includes research plans and results, as well physics as group members' lists.
  • Terahertz Science and Technology Network - Lowering the barriers to Terahertz scientific research and technology; fostering physics collaborations and the THz community.
  • CIRCE: Coherent InfraRed CEnter at the ALS - A proposed small electron storage ring dedicated to the production physics of coherent THz radiation at the ALS, LBNL.
  • StarTiger - An European Space Agency initiative in partnership with terahertz the Space physics Science and Technology Department at CCLRC terahertz Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. Features physics project description and results terahertz of an experiment in making TeraHertz physics imaging devices.
  • THz-BRIDGE - Tera-Hertz radiation in Biological Research, Investigation on Diagnostics physics and study physics of potential Genotoxic Effects.
  • SURA Terahertz Applications Symposium - The website for annual Terahertz Applications Symposiums to bring together world\'s leaders in THz research, development, and product creation.
  • Nonlinear Optics THz Research Group at the University of St Andrews - Research and exploitation of THz radiation sources based electromagnetism on parametric terahertz generation and innovative detector and instrumentation electromagnetism technologies.
  • Mittleman Group - Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Rice University. Includes links to relevant press articles, a description of their work and list of publications.
  • Laboratory of Terahertz Spectroscopy - Part of the Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of physics the Czech Republic. Includes information on staffing, the technologies physics involved and a list of papers.[PDF]
  • Ultrafast Terahertz Research Group - Oklahoma State University. Includes information on the technologies used and their research activities, publications lists, facilities and contact details.
  • Virtual Journal of THz Science & Technology Network - The Virtual Journal of Terahertz Science and Technology terahertz is a physics monthly journal that contains articles that terahertz have appeared in a physics variety of traditional journals terahertz and that are related to the physics science and terahertz applications of terahertz (THz) frequency phenomena and tec
  • Terahertz Light at JLab - Terahertz Light at the Jefferson Lab Free-Electron Laser

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