News and Media Physics Science

Dedicated to physics, science, space and technology news. Latest research breakthroughs and innovations, science advances and a scientific discussion forum.

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See Also:
  • Physics Central - Find out how physics is part of your science world. We physics answer your questions on how science things work and keep physics you informed with daily science updates on physics in physics the news. science We describe the latest research and the people physics science who are doing it and show science you physics physics in action.
  • Matter News - News about the world of physics.
  • PhysicsWeb - Physics news, jobs, equipment buyer's guide, and events.
  • Live Physics - Dedicated to physics, science, space and technology news. Latest research physics breakthroughs and innovations, science advances and a scientific discussion forum.
  • New Scientist: Physics and Maths - Provides news and in depth articles on topics in these physics fields.
  • - Physics news, semiconductor technology news, space news and physics a scientific physics forum.
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  • Niels Bohr Institute - News from the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.[RSS]

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