Software Particle Physics

A stand-alone particle physics Monte-Carlo simulation package. It is being used as a simulation tool in a number of experiments.

    Top: Science: Physics: Particle


See Also:
  • Fermitools - The Fermilab Software Tools Program (Fermitools) aims to software provide useful tools to the community. A wide software range of tools are available, and all are software free.
  • Monte Carlo Number Scheme - MC particle numbering convention, endorsed by the Particle Data Group.
  • - Free C++ library for drawing Feynman diagrams. The output physics is in PostScript, which can be used in TeX or physics printed directly.
  • Elementary Particles Simulation - Elementary Particles Simulation using Java Technology.An application made software for educational software purposes.
  • AcerMC Monte Carlo Generator - The AcerMC Monte-Carlo event generator is particle dedicated for generation of the Standard Model background particle processes in pp collisions at the LHC.
  • Phi (Phenomenology of Hadronic Interactions) - Extension of the Mathematica packages, FeynCalc and FeynArts.
  • cfortran.h - Interfacing C/C++ and FORTRAN - cfortran.h is a single header file that allows physics you to particle easily use fortran code in c physics and c++. Very useful particle for using HBOOK and physics other CERNLIB code in new c++ particle applications.
  • The CalcHEP and CompHEP Projects - Two Tools designed to calculate cross sections in high energy physics physics.
  • Pandora - A physics event generator for linear collider studies. software It includes physics beamstrahlung, initial state radiation, hadronization, and software full treatment of polarization physics effects.
  • Texsis - TeX Macros for Physicists - This package provides a number of useful features physics for typesetting research papers. It is an extension physics to Plain Tex.
  • The ROOT System - An object oriented framework for large scale data analysis. ROOT particle is a C++ replacement of the popular PAW program developed particle at CERN.
  • CERN Computing Documentation - Provides CERNLIB documentation. Also provides tutorials, FAQs, newsletters software and reference particle cards for a wide range of software software.
  • Povama - Persint OpenGL Visualization for ATLAS Muon Analysis. Software physics used to software visualize the reconstruction of muon traces.
  • FeynFig - FeynFig is a program to generate feynman diagrams particle in xfig physics format.
  • Hanna - A C-based Analysis Tool for the HERMES experiment at the DESY laboratory in Hamburg, Germany.
  • HERWIG - A Monte Carlo package for simulating hadron emission particle reactions with interfering gluons. Also includes a particle list of some "competitor" generators.
  • JaxoDraw - A Java program for the interactive drawing of software Feynman diagrams
  • StdHep - Provides a common output format for Monte Carlo particle events so physics that event generators and other simulators particle can easily be compared. physics It also provides a particle set of routines which convert Herwig, physics Jetset, Isajet, particle or QQ events to and from the standard physics particle HEP event format.
  • Feynmf - Drawing Feynman diagrams with LaTeX and Metafont.
  • PYTHIA (and JETSET) - An event generator for a large number of software physics processes. The site contains the latest source, software the official manual and a short write-up describing software PYTHIA\'s status with respect to the physics.
  • FeynArts - Mathematica package for generation and visualization of Feynman software diagrams and physics amplitudes.
  • FeynCalc - Mathematica package for algebraic calculations in elementary particle physics, focusing software on Feynman diagram calculations.
  • FLUKA (Fluktuierende Kaskade) - A stand-alone particle physics Monte-Carlo simulation package. physics It particle is being used as a simulation physics tool in a number particle of experiments.

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