Evolution Science and Religion Science in Society

Searchable bibliography of primarily print sources related to the Creation/Evolution debate. Sources are drawn from the literature on both sides of the debate and compiled and annotated by Thomas Moore.

    Top: Science: Science in Society: Science and Religion


See Also:
  • Waving Not Drowning - A collection of short essays, several of which evolution cover the evolution relationship between science and religion, particularly evolution the evolution vs. creationism evolution debate.
  • Evolution/Creation Science Controversy Continues in Wichita, Kansas - A brief overview of the Kansas State Board science in society evolution of Education\\'s 1999 decision to eliminate the requirement science in society evolution that evolution be required in the public school science in society evolution curriculum.
  • Evolution Thematic Area (AAAS) - About this scientific organization\\'s efforts to engage religious communities and the public in support of research on and education about evolution. Resources on the scientific content of evolutionary theory and its place in education, and historical, phi
  • Brief History of the Conflict between Creationists and Evolutionists - Includes some pivotal events in the last two evolution centuries that evolution changed what most scientists believed about evolution origins, and what was evolution taught in public schools.
  • National Academy of Sciences: Science and Creationism - Gives arguments in favor of biological and human science and religion evolution.
  • Kansas Science Standards Controversy - A review of the controversy from the standpoint evolution of a Christian geologist, who points out why evolution the situation does not require such polarized positions.
  • CERD: Creation/Evolution Reference Database - Searchable bibliography of primarily print sources related to the Creation/Evolution debate. Sources are drawn from the literature on both sides of the debate and compiled and annotated by Thomas Moore.
  • ReligiousTolerance.org on Evolution and Creationism - Overview and history of the Evolution/Creation debate.
  • An Agnostic's Brief Guide to the Universe - Provides a discussion forum in relation to religion, science in society atheism, creation and the origin of mankind. Are science in society we here by accident or design? The agnostic science in society will remain open to all possibilities.
  • Was Darwin Wrong? The Critics of Evolution - Approximately 40 book reviews by Gert Korthof covering various sides science in society in the evolution/creationism debate.
  • Quintessence of Dust - Blog on evolution, development, neuroscience and other scientific evolution issues of evolution interest to Christians.
  • Creation vs. Evolution - A collection of answers and links about the debate between evolution evolution and creation.
  • Alliance for Science - Group aiming to heighten public understanding and support for science, science and religion and to preserve the distinctions between science and religion in science and religion the public sphere. Includes news, resources and information about their science and religion activities.
  • God Cre8d Ministries - Personal site that re-introduces the teaching of Creation science in society science in society and biblical history and overturns the teaching of science in society science in society evolution and secular humanism. It re-evaluates the science science in society science in society of evolution, the dating of the dinosaurs and science in society science in society the existence of Noah's Ark.
  • Evolution and Unintelligent Design - Vexen Crabtree takes a look at evolution highlighting science and religion science in society the wasteful, dysfunctional and problematic features resulting from science and religion science in society its unplanned course.
  • External Intelligence Phenomenon: Creation vs. Evolution Explained - An essay by K T Chang that attempts science and religion to reconcile the apparent conflict between creation and science and religion evolution by introducing a new concept called External science and religion Intelligence Phenomenon.
  • Caroline Crocker - Dr. Crocker is an author, speaker and tutor. science in society She believes in academic freedom and offers her science in society services as a speaker on intelligent design, evolution, science in society creation, science and Christianity.
  • The Evolution Ashram - Biologist examines evolution as a belief system and science in society science in society discusses the relationship between religion and evolution.

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