Microwear Analysis Stone Tools Portable Antiquities Topics

Describes the methodology and quantification of microwear analysis. Hypertext version of 1989 book on quantification and computerisation of microwear analysis by Roger Grace

    Top: Science: Social Sciences: Archaeology: Topics: Portable Antiquities: Stone Tools

Microwear Analysis

  • Interpreting the Function of Stone Tools - Describes the methodology and quantification of microwear analysis. portable antiquities Hypertext version of 1989 book on quantification and portable antiquities computerisation of microwear analysis by Roger Grace
  • Lithic Usewear Investigation Report - A report by Cameron M. Smith that examines and quantifies stone tools the use-related modification observed on an assemblage of obsidian artifacts stone tools collected at the Harney Dune site located in southern Oregon.
  • Projectile Point Use-Wear Bibliography - Compiled by John Dockall.
  • The Function of Hopewell Blades from the Southeast - A research paper by Larry R. Kimball published portable antiquities in stone tools the McClung Museum Research Notes 1992. Features portable antiquities a description stone tools of the artifacts and a discussion portable antiquities of the utility stone tools and methodology of microwear analysis.

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