Place Names Geography Social Sciences
Luistxo Fernandez lists place names from all over the world in minority languages, which usually never appear in maps. [Basque and English].
Top: Science: Social Sciences: Geography
Place Names
See Also:
- GeoNative - Luistxo Fernandez lists place names from all over geography the world place names in minority languages, which usually never geography appear in maps. [Basque place names and English].
- UNGEGN - United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names. Contains information and resolutions on the issue of place names.
- International Alternative Country Names - A list of names for existing countries and some regions geography and islands that differ from the standard international and/or English geography nomenclatures.
- GNS: GEOnet Names Server - Global searchable database set up by the National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA), US. Foreign place names as approved by the US Board of Geographic Names, other name variants. Approx. 3.3 million entries
- Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names - Compiled by the Getty Research Institute, TGN is a structured social sciences vocabulary developed primarily for the field of art history, but social sciences can be used in any in many other applications. The social sciences thesaurus contains nearly 1 million place names representing approximately 90
- BC Geographical Names - Government site lists geographical naming principles and policy, place names how place names to propose a geographical name, access to place names the BC place names Geographical Names Information System (BCGNIS), links place names to BC-history/related sites, place names and to toponymy sites.
- Toponomastica Toponymy - A database of place-names from the classical Greek social sciences and place names Roman sources, with comments on their etymology, social sciences in English, place names plus toponymy of the Abruzzese Appennine social sciences in Italian.
- World Ocean Bed History: Geographical Names - Article on the toponymy of the ocean, undersea place names features and relief.
- A Political World Gazetteer - An outline of the world\\'s political divisions, organized place names by continent, nation, national subdivision, and further geographic place names areas.
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