Language Creation Constructed Languages Linguistics
Online community for all those with an interest in conlangs and their invention. With extensive information on scripts and writing systems.
Top: Science: Social Sciences: Linguistics: Languages: Constructed
Language Creation
See Also:
- How to Build a Language - A general overview of many constructed language. Introduction with personal constructed analysis and conclusions.
- LanGServices: Language Creation - An online textbook for creating languages.
- Conlang Archives - Large searchable archive of the conlang mailing list.
- Artificial Languages - An essay on the nature of artificial languages, constructed by Robert Isenberg.
- Lang Game: by Decker - Language creation game presided and run by Decker. Five phases. constructed Details to join.
- Language Construction Kit - In-depth introduction to language creation, by Mark Rosenfelder.
- Constructed Languages - Online community for all those with an interest in conlangs constructed and their invention. With extensive information on scripts and writing constructed systems.
- Conlang Yahoo - The signup page for the Constructed Language constructed mailing list.
- Conversational Maxims and Principles of Language Planning - Scholarly article on brevity, ambiguity and redundancy in planned languages, languages by Hartmut Traunmüller.
- - Invent your own language resources with FAQ, links languages to other constructed languages and book list.
- Essays on Artificial Language Design - A collection of writings on language design by language creation Rick Morneau.
- JBR Homepage - Articles and rants related to Language Creation, many languages with a languages humorous twist.
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