Reformed and Modified English Constructed Languages Linguistics

Seeks to demonstrate the application of a mathematical quantum language format for English through the analysis of certain legal documents.

    Top: Science: Social Sciences: Linguistics: Languages: Constructed

Reformed and Modified English

  • Dan Scorpio - A guide E-Prime usage and its use for reformed and modified english negotiation.
  • David-Wynn: Miller - Seeks to demonstrate the application of a mathematical quantum language reformed and modified english format for English through the analysis of certain legal documents.
  • Americai Speak Page - Respelled simplified English language for international usage created languages by Ruby constructed Olive Foulk and published in 1937.
  • Anguish Languish by Howard L. Chace - This 1956 book uses English strictly for its reformed and modified constructed english sounds, not meanings. Words become warts, and English reformed and constructed modified english Language becomes Anguish Languish.
  • E Prime - A modification of English which removes the verb 'to be'.
  • - Simplification of C.K. Ogden\\'s Basic English with vocabulary limited only to the Modern English words derived from Anglo-Saxon terms.
  • The Archaic English Project - Reformed English taken from Old English and a collective activity to prepare a dictionary for those Old English terms.

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