Swahili Niger-Kordofanian Natural Languages
Top: Science: Social Sciences: Linguistics: Languages: Natural: Niger-Kordofanian
See Also:
- Archive of Popular Swahili - Swahili texts mostly collected in Zaire by Johannes swahili Fabian and made accessible by the Journal of swahili \'Language and Popular Culture in Africa'.
- Koeppe Swahili / Kiswahili publication list - Language Courses (in German), Grammatical Analyses (in English)
- Kiswahili Resource Page - Link collection by Donath Mrawira an engineer from Tanzania
- Orthografix 2 - Spell-checker and hyphenator for Swahili developed by Arvi Hurskainen, University niger-kordofanian of Helsinki
- Say Hello in Swahili - Simple conversational lesson from the Internet Public Library. Links to swahili language and culture resources.
- Useful Swahili Words - Phrasebook and bibliography. Links to links historical essay, Kanga proverbs, and pronunciation guide.
- The Kamusi Project - Internet Living Swahili Dictionary - International collaborative effort to establish new dictionaries and natural learning resources for the Swahili language (Kiswahili).
- Noun Classification in Swahili - A scholarly paper on the Swahili language by Ellen Contini-Morava
- Swahili Language - A description of Swahili with information on noun natural classes and niger-kordofanian grammar.
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