Journals Social Psychology Social Sciences

Print journal focusing on applications of experimental behavioral science research to issues in society. Contents listings, subscription information, and author instructions.

    Top: Science: Social Sciences: Psychology: Social


See Also:
  • Self and Identity - Print journal focusing on study of social and psychology psychological processes psychology that involve self-awareness, self-representation, and self-regulation. psychology Subscription information and author psychology instructions.
  • Basic and Applied Social Psychology - Quarterly print journal with issues from 1999 onwards journals available online. social Includes a free abstract viewing facility
  • Journal of Applied Social Psychology - Print journal focusing on applications of experimental behavioral science research to issues in society. Contents listings, subscription information, and author instructions.
  • Journal of Nonverbal Behavior - Print and electronic journal. Searchable contents listings, abstracts, psychology subscription information journals and author instructions.
  • European Journal of Social Psychology - Print and electronic journal. Free access abstracts and journals contents listings, social author instructions, and subscription information.
  • Journal of Personality and Social Psychology - Peer reviewed print journal focusing on attitudes and social cognition, interpersonal relations and group processes, and personality processes and individual differences. Contents listings, full text of selected articles, subscription information and subm
  • Current Research in Social Psychology - Peer reviewed free-access electronic journal.
  • Journal of Mundane Behavior - Electronic peer-reviewed free-access journal focusing on mundane aspects social of everyday life. Articles for download in PDF social format; submission guidelines.
  • Asian Journal of Social Psychology - Print and electronic journal. Free access contents and abstracts, author social instructions, and subscription information.
  • British Journal of Social Psychology - The British Psychological Society’s quarterly print and electronic psychology social psychology journal covering all areas of this psychology subject. Search facility and free abstract access available psychology through Ingenta Connect.
  • Journal of Language and Social Psychology - Print and online quarterly journal. Covers language related social psychology psychology subjects.
  • Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice - Quarterly Print journal with online access. Reports deal social with basic and applied topics in the field social of group research and application.
  • Journal of Experimental Social Psychology - Print and electronic journal. Contents pages, abstracts, search psychology facility, and submission and subscription information.
  • International Bulletin of Political Psychology - Weekly free-access electronic journal with search facility and discussion forum. Published since 1996.
  • Journal of Economic Psychology - Print and electronic journal focusing on socio-psychological research psychology into economic journals behavior. Free access searchable abstracts and psychology contents listings; full text journals on subscription.
  • Hull University Social Psychology Course Journals - Hull University student’s list of social psychology journals journals for social psychology psychology modules as part of the journals psychology course.
  • Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. - Monthly print and electronic journal covering topics including social communication strategies, psychology gender and age stereotypes, interpersonal relationships, social group interrelations, prejudice and psychology self-consciousness. Comprehensive archive with social search facility and free a
  • Papers on Social Representations - Free access multilingual peer-reviewed electronic journal. Instructions for authors, and journals articles for download in Adobe Acrobat PDF format.
  • Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology - This journal discusses theory, research, and research methodology psychology from personality journals and social psychology toward the goal psychology of enhancing the understanding journals of human well-being and psychology adjustment. Free abstract viewing and online journals issues available.
  • European Review of Social Psychology - European Association of Experimental Social Psychology supported journal available in print and online format. Focuses on Europe based research and idea development.
  • Group Processes and Intergroup Relations - Quarterly print and electronic journal dedicated to research journals into group social processes and intergroup relations. Has an journals archive with search facility social and free abstract access.
  • Social Influence - A new journal for 2006 covering social psychology journals in areas psychology like interpersonal influence, minority influence, persuasion journals and influence in groups.
  • Journal of Social Psychology - Print journal. Subscription and manuscript submission information, order form for social reprints.

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