Research Centers Cybernetics Technology
Working group at the Department of Cybernetics, University of Reading, UK, directed towards the development and use of instrumentation and techniques for the acquisition and processing of information from both natural and man-made signal sources.
Top: Science: Technology: Cybernetics: Research Centers
See Also:
- Department of Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence - Technical University of Kosice, Slovakia.
- vordenker webforum - Web Forum for Innovative Approaches in Sciences, Economy technology and Culture with Emphasis on Cybernetics and Systems technology Science (Germany).
- The Research Committee on Sociocybernetics - Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain.
- Cybernetics - Reading University - Department of Cybernetics, University of Reading, UK.
- Institute of Cybernetics - Estonian Academy of Sciences.
- Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics - The Institute in Tübingen (Germany) Is Centered on cybernetics the Acquisition research centers and Processing of Visual Information in cybernetics the Nervous System.
- Cybernetic Intelligence Research Group - Working group at the department of Cybernetics, University of Reading, research centers UK, engaged in the study of intelligence and its application.
- Instrumentation & Signal Processing Research Group - Working group at the Department of Cybernetics, University cybernetics of Reading, UK, directed towards the development and cybernetics use of instrumentation and techniques for the acquisition cybernetics and processing of information from both natural and cybernetics man-made signal sources.
- Institute for Systems Science - Located at the University of Linz, Austria. Teaching research centers and research centers research resources.
- Laboratory of Biocybernetics - Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.
- Biological Cybernetics / Theoretical Biology at the University of Bielefeld, Germany - The Department for Biological Cybernetics at the University research centers of technology Bielefed, Germany, is Focussed in the Research research centers for Movement technology Control in Animals and Humans.
- Department of Cybernetics, Czech Technical University in Prague - Research is conducted in two centers: (a) Gerstner cybernetics Laboratory for Intelligent Decision Making Knowledge Based Systems, cybernetics Multi-Agent Systems, Machine Learning, Mobile Robotics and (b) cybernetics the Center for Machine Perception Computer Vision, Image cybernetics Processing, Patt
- Hamilton Institute - Centre for systems science research, NUI Maynooth, Ireland.
- Systems Theory and Cybernetics - Information on the Research Program in Social and research centers Organizational cybernetics Learning at the George Washington University.
- Institute for Communications Engineering, Technical University of Munich - Institute Specialized in Communication Theory and Application, Image cybernetics Processing and research centers Pattern Recognition (München, Bavaria, F. R. cybernetics Germany).
- University of Bradford - Department of Cybernetics - Cybernetics in Bradford is Centered in Control, Robotics and Artificial research centers Intelligence. Cybernetics has an Active Research Programme Mapping out Future research centers Developments and Applications of the New Revolution (UK).
- University of Paderborn: Institut für Kybernetik - The Institute for Cybernetics at the University of technology Paderborn, Germany technology with Three Divisions for Educational Cybernetics, technology Language Cybernetics and Educational technology Informatics.
- Forschungszentrum Jülich: IBI - Institute for Biological Information Processing, Jülich, F. R. Germany.
- UCLA Biocybernetics Laboratory - Biocybernetics Laboratory at the University of California, Los research centers Angeles, research centers founded in 1966 by Prof. J. J. research centers DiStefano, III research centers (Los Angeles, Ca., USA).
- Central R&D Institute for Robotics and Technical Cybernetics - The State Scientific Center of Russia, at St. cybernetics Petersburg, Russian technology Federation. Research into robotics and technical cybernetics cybernetics for space, air, technology terrestrial and sea applications.
- University of Veszprem, Department of Process Engineering - Main Focus is the Application of soft Computing in Chemical Engineering Cybernetics. Offers MATLAB codes and Manuscripts Related to Fuzzy Modelling, Control, and Data Mining.
- Neuro Cybernetics Laboratory - Laboratory of Neuro-Cybernetics, Research Group of Biomedical Information research centers Engineering, Division of Systems and Information Engineering, Graduate research centers School, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan.
- Research association "CYBERNETICS" - Covers the Institute of Engineering Cybernetics and the cybernetics Scientific-Engineering Enterprises "Geoinformation Systems", "Information Technologies", "Automation Systems" cybernetics and "Scientific Device-Building" of the National
- Signal and Image Centre - Research center specialized in signal processing (compression, radar signal processing) cybernetics and image processing (pattern recognition, image understanding). (Brussels, Belgium)
- Institute of Cybernetics at TTU - Interdisciplinary Research Centre Focusing on Nonlinear technology Dynamics, research centers Control, and Computer Science. (Tallin, Estonia.)
- Faculty of Cybernetics - National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv/Kiev, Ukraine. technology Information research centers in English, Russian and Ukrainan.
- CHAOS - Centre for Hyperincursion and Anticipation in Ordered Systems, University of Liège, Belgium.
- Laboratory of Cybernetics - Provides information on the research being undertaken at research centers the technology Kotelnikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics research centers of RAS.
- Experimental and Computatinal Neurosciences - ECN is a multidisciplinary group Working at the research centers Institute technology of Cybernetics of Italian CNR in the research centers field of technology Neurosciences. The main topics include: Computer research centers simulation of synaptic technology transmission; Neural Network; Parallel computation; research centers Immuno-histochemistry of br
- Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics - GIC, Kyiv, Ukraine. Information on History, Research and technology Publikations.
- Interactive Systems Research Group - The unifying theme to the research conducted in this working research centers group at the Department of Cybernetics, University of Reading, UK, research centers is the study of systems that require 'humans-in-the-loop'.
- Institut für Kybernetik und Systemtheorie Dortmund - A Research Institute as well as a Granting cybernetics and Promoting Association for Cybernetics in Science and cybernetics Education (English - German).
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