Moon Colonization Space Technology

Information about the Moon, a database of contacts, and a variety of projects dedicated to using the Moon for the benefit of mankind.

    Top: Science: Technology: Space: Colonization


See Also:
  • Six Points Foundation - Proposed design for permanent lunar base.
  • Lunar Base Design Workshop - Designs for half a dozen different lunar base types from colonization a 2002 summer workshop featuring architects and space scientists.
  • The Moon Miner - Ideas for developing the Earth-Moon system, including a cycling station and a station at L1.
  • Trans Lunar Research - Nonprofit focused on establishing a lunar colony.
  • The Artemis Project - A private international venture to establish a self-supporting space base on space the moon.
  • Spudis Lunar Resources - Links, essays, maps, and data on using the moon Moon to space learn how to live and work moon productively in space
  • Stickymedia - Short video presentation on the Moon as a moon source of energy, with long DVD available for moon sale.
  • International Lunar Exploration Working Group - Lunar explorers and missions; information exchange for robotic space and human missions, and resources on the Moon.
  • Lunar Explorers Society - Information about the Moon, a database of contacts, and a colonization variety of projects dedicated to using the Moon for the colonization benefit of mankind.
  • Lunar Research Institute - Alan Binder\\'s pages of Lunar Prospector information, and colonization future plans moon for lunar exploration and development.
  • Moon-ISRU - Project to develop a self-sufficient lunar base, includes moon NIAC report.
  • PSRD: Moon's Dark, Icy Poles - Information about permanently shadowed regions on the Moon, space where frozen water could be trapped.
  • Lunar Reclamation Society, Inc. - Milwaukee Chapter of the National Space Society; publisher colonization of the Moon Miners\\' Manifesto - articles on colonization lunar materials, habitat design, all aspects of lunar colonization development.
  • NASA - Why The Moon? - Six justifications for NASA\\'s new plans to establish a lunar moon base, including "enable eventual settlement".
  • - Lunar Standard Time - Proposal for a time and calendar system for colonization the Moon that divides the lunar day into colonization 30 slightly-less-than 24-hour periods.
  • MoonBeam Enterprises and Lunar Travel Agency - Selling reservations (novelty items) for lunar real estate moon and travel.
  • Lunar Transportation Systems - Company developing payload delivery system from earth orbit to lunar space surface.
  • Lunar Republic : Official Website Of The Moon - Useful Moon exploration information and news - claims to be moon independent governmental entity responsible for lunar future.
  • Jerry Bull and the Space Rodent Rangers - Educational material about building a moonbase.
  • Lunar robotics competition - Detailed scenario for 2004 includes robotic construction of habitat in a lunar lavatube. Information on previous competitions also available.
  • Lunar Architecture - hotel 'LUNATIC' - Design considerations and graphical schematics for a lunar hotel.
  • Moon Society - Dedicated to human settlement in our natural satellite moon and affiliated moon with the Artemis Project. Presents its moon aims and its organization.

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