Specific Titles Politics Books Publications

A site for comment and discussion of the issues raised in the book about the radical and left movements of the 1970s and 1980s. Includes schedule of readings and events.

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Specific Titles

See Also:
  • Revolution in the Air - A site for comment and discussion of the politics issues raised in the book about the radical politics and left movements of the 1970s politics and 1980s. Includes schedule of readings and events.
  • Bowling Alone - Robert Putnam\\'s book on the collapse and revival politics of the American community.
  • Campaigning to Win - Gary O. Bosley\\'s manual for local political campaigns. books Table of politics contents, price and ordering information, endorsement, books and author biography.
  • The End of Faith - Sam Harris argues that in the presence of books weapons of books mass destruction, we cannot survive our books religious differences. Includes links books to published book reviews, books and downloads of audio interviews.
  • Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace - Lawrence Lessig\\'s views on how the architecture of cyberspace affetcs books the US constitution.
  • Addicted To War - Anti-militarist book by Joel Andreas discussing war as a fixture in U.S. history and culture. Excerpted cartoons and related links.
  • From Capitalism to Equality - Charles Andrews\' inquiry into the laws of economic books change.
  • How to Run for Local Office - Guide to running for local government positions in books the US.
  • American Confusion Continues: Malignant Disarray in the War on Terrorism - Excerpts from William R. Taylor\\'s book on the U.S.-led war specific titles in Afghanistan, Iraq, and disarray in pacifist alternatives.
  • Willie Horton: True Crime and Its Influence on a Presidential Election - Steve Takesian\\'s book suggests that Willie Horton cost Michael Dukakis books the 1988 presidential election.
  • The Hill on the Net - Chris Casey\\'s book about the process of getting politics the United politics States Congress to use the Internet.
  • The Legacy - President Clinton's legacy of Africa/USA relations.
  • The Lies of George W. Bush - David Corn, the longtime Washington editor of The Nation, details specific titles what he calls the falsehoods and fabrications of the Bush specific titles presidency.
  • Two Stars for Peace - Proposes making Israel and Palestine part of the United States politics to solve the conflict there.

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