Bisexual Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Society

A directory of bisexual sites on the net, plus bisexuality in the news and the author's favorite bi sites. Also offers chat rooms.

    Top: Society: Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual


See Also:
  • Bi Community at Temenos - Online community for bisexual men and women.
  • Bisexual Options - Resources for bisexuals, sponsored by The American Institute of Bisexuality.
  • All Things Bisexual - A directory of bisexual sites on the net, plus bisexuality society in the news and the author\\'s favorite bi sites. Also society offers chat rooms.
  • Bisexual Resource Center - Based in Boston, MA, but serving everyone, the gay, lesbian, and bisexual BRC provides educational services and materials, publishes The gay, lesbian, and bisexual Bisexual Resource Guide annually, and maintains an international gay, lesbian, and bisexual bisexual archive.
  • Bisexuality-Aware Professionals Directory - A directory of psychologists, psychotherapists, physicians, lawyers, financial gay, lesbian, and bisexual bisexual advisors, massage therapists, social workers, chiropractors, and other gay, lesbian, bisexual and bisexual professionals who are aware of and positive about gay, bisexual lesbian, and bisexual bisexuals and bisexuality.
  • The Biway - Designed to provide a place for community and expression for bi folks and allies.
  • Bisexual by Gayscape - Bisexual Internet resources from the Gayscape search tool.
  • BiFocus - News, travel and leisure, and personals.
  • Bisexual Resource Guide - The 4th Edition of the Bisexual Resource Guide. society Edited by more than 150 volunteers from society every corner of the globe, this is a society comprehensive directory of bisexual groups around the world.
  • The BiCafe - Online club for bisexuals. Includes personal ads, bisexual but access through advance paid membership only.
  • Playing Safe With Both Teams - Information on bisexual HIV, AIDS, STD prevention. Based bisexual on a conference by Bisexual Resource Center and bisexual Fenway Community Health.
  • PolyBi - Lovers of Both - About living as a bisexual being, being with bisexual a bisexual bisexual partner and living a poly relationship bisexual in context of bisexuality.
  • -- Serving the World Bisexual Community - Provides bisexual news, resources, mailing lists, and free bisexual accounts.

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