K through 12 Student Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual

Group that connects the California Gay/Straight Alliances to each other and community resources. Includes a directory and guide for starting a school group.

    Top: Society: Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual: Student

K through 12

See Also:
  • Project 10 - Public school program providing on-site educational support services k through 12 to youth. History, how to get involved, and k through 12 advice column.
  • North Andover Gay Straight Alliance - Meeting times, members, photographs, and message board.
  • SIGNS Survival Guide - Project of the Youth Enrichment Services Program of k through 12 gay, lesbian, and bisexual the Lesbian and Gay Community Services Center in k through 12 gay, lesbian, and bisexual New York. Events, GSA manual, ways to be k through 12 gay, lesbian, and bisexual safe at school, and resources for students and k through 12 gay, lesbian, and bisexual teachers.
  • Triangle Program - Oasis Alternative Secondary School of Cananda class for those affected by homophobia. Details, student writings, and photographs.
  • La Jolla High School Gay Straight Alliance - Information about the group, and photographs. Located in San Diego, k through 12 California.
  • Kentlake High School Gay Straight Alliance - Information about activities, and contact details.
  • Mount Greylock GSA - Massachusetts school group goals and accomplishments.
  • The P.E.R.S.O.N. Project - Public Education Regarding Sexual Orientation Nationally; with a student handbook for organizing in schools, and resources.
  • Newton South High School Gay Straight Alliance - Information about the oldest public school GSA in student the United gay, lesbian, and bisexual States.
  • Oyster River Gay-Straight Alliance - Organization at Oyster River High School in Durham, gay, lesbian, and bisexual North Carolina. Goals, activities, rights movement background, and gay, lesbian, and bisexual local resources.
  • Gay-Straight Alliance Network - Group that connects the California Gay/Straight Alliances to student each other and community resources. Includes a directory student and guide for starting a school group.
  • Tuscan GSAs - Contacts for Tuscan schools, local resources, news, student student activism, glossary and bibliographies.
  • Schools Out - British organization; offering training, resources, news and links.

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