News and Media Opposing Views Bush, George Walker Presidents

Robert Scheer questions why taxpayers have a patriotic duty to provide billions more dollars to enable President Bush to sink the US deeper into an Iraq quagmire of his own making.

    Top: Society: History: By Region: North America: United States: Presidents: Bush, George Walker: Opposing Views

News and Media

See Also:
  • The Observer: The Bush files - Numerous special reports that are generally critical of bush, george walker President George W. Bush.
  • Bush Scorecard of Evil - Archive of news stories that are presented as bush, george walker opposing views evidence of evil in the Bush administration.
  • The Nation: Woodward on Bush - David Corn describes the most unfavorable characterizations of news and media opposing views the Bush administration in Bob Woodward\\'s book "Plan news and media opposing views of Attack."
  • Keith Olbermann: A Textbook Definition of Cowardice - A stinging reply from MSNBC\\'s Keith Olbermann on Bush\\'s friends trying to blame Bill Clinton for the 9/11 attack. With transcript and video.
  • American Research Group - Concerns over Economy Push George W. Bush's Overall Job Approval to New Low - Lists poll results on Bush popularity, and finds news and media bush, george walker in February 2008 Bush had an approval rating news and media bush, george walker of just 19%, one of the lowest in news and media bush, george walker American history.
  • Working for Change: Bush Must Admit Error of His Ways - Robert Scheer questions why taxpayers have a patriotic opposing views duty to provide billions more dollars to enable opposing views President Bush to sink the US deeper into opposing views an Iraq quagmire of his own making.
  • The Nation: The Bush Crusade - James Carroll asserts that Bush\\'s use of the word "crusade" with regards to Islamic terror was revealing of the President\\'s thoughts, with very dangerous implications and consequences.
  • The Nation: Fear of Flying - A source claims personal knowledge about why George bush, george walker W. Bush prematurely left his Texas National Guard bush, george walker unit: because nerves, fear, and a possible drinking bush, george walker problem were affecting his ability to fly.
  • Common Dreams - The Worst US President Ever? - A University of Vermont professor explains why Bush is quite news and media likely the worst president in the 200-year history of the news and media United States.
  • The New Yorker - The Coming Wars - Author Seymour Hersh writes that with Bush\\'s second bush, george walker term, more wars, neo-con expansion, and Pentagon clandestine bush, george walker activities are on the way.
  • Time - An Administration's Epic Collapse - Joe Klein finds 3 Bush stories of 2007 (the Iraq bush, george walker "surge", the scandalous treatment of wounded vets, and the firing bush, george walker of 8 U.S. Attorneys for tawdry political reasons) precisely illuminate bush, george walker the 3 qualities making the Bush Administration one of the bush, george walker w
  • Truthdig - Bush’s Legacy of Failure - Examines actions of Bush over his two terms bush, george walker opposing views and concludes his presidency will be viewed as bush, george walker opposing views a terrible failure.
  • AlterNet - Loose 'Gannon' - Questions if a pseudonymous "reporter" with fake credentials opposing views was bush, george walker repeatedly given a daily White House press opposing views pass because bush, george walker he was a Bush shill, and opposing views examines his relations bush, george walker to Texas conservatives as well opposing views as connections to gay bush, george walker pornography websites.
  • The Independent Institute - Not the Worst President Ever, But a Definite Contender - Dr. Ivan Eland compares George W. Bush\\'s performance to other bush, george walker post-Second World War presidents, and finds Bush is probably the bush, george walker most dangerous—and therefore the worst—president in the post-Second World War bush, george walker era.
  • History News Network: About the Ties Between Saddam and Osama - Examines the purported view of Bush and Cheney opposing views that opposing views Saddam Hussein and Al Queda are connected, opposing views in spite opposing views of investigations and commission conclusions that opposing views they are not.
  • The Guardian: America the Horrible is now Turning into a Pariah - Columnist Polly Toynbee censures President Bush for his opposing views abandonment of the Kyoto treaty on climate change.
  • Bush Legacy - Views the Bush years as filled with presidential opposing views deceit, debt, and death.
  • Washington Post - Rage of Reason - Columnist Eugene Robinson writes on how George W. bush, george walker Bush has in polls attained the worst ratings bush, george walker ever, and the disaster he is leaving for bush, george walker his successor.
  • Salon - Right-Wingers Turn Against Bush - After Bush\\'s 2006 State of the Union speech, opposing views conservative groups worry that the president has become opposing views just another free-spending, big-government politician.
  • Mother Jones: The Lie Factory - The purported inside story of how the Bush bush, george walker administration pushed disinformation and bogus intelligence and led bush, george walker the US to war.
  • Talking Points Memo - Bush Admin: What You Don't Know Can't Hurt Us, 2007 Version - Catalogs over three dozen incidents in 2007 when bush, george walker the Bush Administration squelched, censored, classified, and otherwise bush, george walker obstructed government information and statistics their ideology did bush, george walker not like.
  • Washington Post - Why I Believe Bush Must Go - Former senator George McGovern says that while Nixon bush, george walker was bad, Bush and Cheney are worse, and bush, george walker explains why the only honorable course is impeachment.
  • San Francisco Chronicle: Four Harsh Years - David Lazarus says that Republicans neglect the state news and media bush, george walker of the US economy, and caused major economic news and media bush, george walker setbacks during Bush's term.
  • The Guardian - Bush Payola Scandal Deepens as Third Columnist Admits Being Paid - The Bush administration was confronted with fresh evidence opposing views of news and media a far-reaching clandestine campaign to influence public opposing views opinion after news and media a third conservative commentator admitted receiving opposing views payments for championing news and media its policies.
  • Mother Jones: Conversation with a Conservative: John Dean - The former counsel to President Nixon and purported bush, george walker news and media conservative says the way the Bush administration has bush, george walker news and media governed has been worse than Watergate.
  • Counterpunch - Bush and Dry Drunk Syndrome - A professor of social work compares Bush\\'s behavior and attitudes with that of the dry drunk, and finds several similarities.
  • Little India - Worst President In History? - Finds the Bush Presidency loaded with gross ineptitude, bush, george walker cronyism, and corruption, not to mention unconstitutional and bush, george walker criminal abuses.
  • New York Times: Without a Doubt - Ron Suskind sees in Bush\\'s cabinet a disdain for contemplation or deliberation, an embrace of faith and decisiveness, a retreat from empiricism, and a sometimes bullying impatience. [Fee required for full text.]
  • The Nation: The New Bush Doctrine - Richard Falk examines what he sees as George W. Bush\'s bush, george walker policy of unilateralism and pre-emptive attacks.
  • The Guardian: 'War president' Bush has always been soft on terror - Craig Unger states that despite his tough rhetoric, news and media bush, george walker Bush has been blind to the forces behind news and media bush, george walker terrorism, shielded its funders, diverted resources from battling news and media bush, george walker it, and obstructed investigators.
  • Rolling Stone - The Worst President in History? - One of America\\'s leading historians assesses Bush, and finds that opposing views among historians he is in serious contention for the title opposing views of worst president ever.
  • Washington Post - He's Only Fifth Worst - A senior fellow at the New America Foundation says it bush, george walker is unfair to claim that George W. Bush is the bush, george walker worst U.S. president of all time - he\'s merely the bush, george walker fifth worst.
  • Washington Post - He's The Worst Ever - A Columbia University professor of history compares the news and media news and media Bush presidency with the lowest ranking previous U.S. news and media news and media presidents, as well as why, and concludes Bush news and media news and media is the absolute worst president in U.S. history.
  • Buzzflash - America's Top 10 Presidents vs. the Worst President in All of American History - Two authors give their views of the best American presidents through their quotes, and then compare them with those of George W. Bush.
  • Boston Globe: Bush Fell Short on Duty at Guard - The Globe says he fell well short of meeting his opposing views military obligations in the Air National Guard.
  • Investigators find secret White House email accounts - Article on the use of RNC e-mail accounts news and media by White House officials. The Register (UK).
  • Guardian Unlimited: Christian Leader Faults Bush on Iraq Deaths - The fundamentalist Christian Coalition\\'s founder and Bush supporter bush, george walker Pat Robertson faults Bush for saying the Iraq bush, george walker invasion would create no casualties despite Robertson's warnings.

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