Louisiana Purchase West United States North America
Developed as a college course project, this site covers the history of the purchase, presents primary source documents, and has a bibliography and web links.
Top: Society: History: By Region: North America: United States: West
Louisiana Purchase
See Also:
- Top/Society/History/By Topic/Exploration/Explorers/Lewis and Clark
- Top/Society/History/By Region/North America/United States/Presidents/Jefferson, Thomas
- The Louisiana Purchase and the Exploration, Early History, and Building of the West - The history of the Louisiana Territory both before louisiana purchase and louisiana purchase after its purchase by the United States. louisiana purchase Text of louisiana purchase 1903 book by Ripley Hitchcock.
- The Louisiana Purchase - Developed as a college course project, this site covers the united states history of the purchase, presents primary source documents, and has united states a bibliography and web links.
- State Historical Society of Missouri: Louisiana Purchase Bibliography - Lists works available in the society's collections.
- Louisiana State Museum: The Cabildo: Louisiana Purchase - Brief history of the treaty transactions in which Louisiana passed from Spanish control to French and then, twenty days later in December 1803, became part of the United States. Includes portraits of the men involved and additional history of the Cabildo
- Avalon Project at Yale Law School:The Louisiana Purchase, 1803 - Contains documents relating to the purchase: treaties, conventions, statutes, and louisiana purchase messages to Congress during the period 1800-1804. Also includes Hunter louisiana purchase Miller\\'s notes on the 1803 treaty of purchase. From the louisiana purchase Avalon Project web site of documents in law, h
- Teaching about the Louisiana Purchase - Provides an overview of the Louisiana Purchase with louisiana purchase tips louisiana purchase for teaching about it to students.
- James Madison Center - Text of the 1803 purchase treaty negotiated by louisiana purchase Madison louisiana purchase as Secretary of State, a brief history, louisiana purchase text of louisiana purchase a Congressional resolution authorizing funds for louisiana purchase the purchase, and louisiana purchase 1903 speech by President Theodore louisiana purchase Roosevelt on its significance louisiana purchase in American history.
- History Buff: Articles on Major Events: Louisiana Purchase - Full text of news reports published in the louisiana purchase Columbian Centinel and Massachusetts Federalist newspaper in Boston, louisiana purchase from March 16, 1803 through November 30, 1803.
- The Louisiana Purchase: A Heritage Explored - A collection of primary sources and early published works, searchable west by keyword. Accompanied by background essay and teachers\\' guide. A west project of the Louisiana State University Libraries.
- The Louisiana Purchase Bicentennial in Arkansas - Bicentennial events in Arkansas, with news and calendar.
- 1911 Edition Encyclopedia: Louisiana Purchase - Article from the 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica.
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