Publications Medicine Science By Topic

Antiquarian booksellers specializing in the history of medicine, surgery, nursing, public health, epidemiology, sanitation, infectious diseases, microbiology, parasitology and virology.

    Top: Society: History: By Topic: Science: Medicine


Editor's Picks:

The James Lind Library* - Documents the evolution of fair tests of medical treatments, with examples from various books and journal articles. Also biographical material, portraits, translations, and commentaries.

  • UHR Books - Antiquarian booksellers specializing in the history of medicine, science surgery, nursing, publications public health, epidemiology, sanitation, infectious diseases, science microbiology, parasitology and virology.
  • Alan Mason Chesney Medical Archives - Official repository of the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions.
  • Bulletin of the History of Medicine - Official publication of the American Association for the publications History of publications Medicine.
  • Oxford Brookes University: Medical Sciences Video Archive - A collection of videotaped biographical interviews with over science 130 important figures in clinical medicine and science science from the United Kingdom and Australia.
  • Social History of Medicine - Publish work on all aspects of health, illness, publications and medical science treatment in the past. Includes free publications sample issue and instructions science to authors.
  • Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences - Publish the latest original research on the written publications beginnings of medicine medicine in all its aspects. Includes publications instructions for authors and medicine free sample issue.

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