Organizations Pro-Euthanasia Euthanasia End-of-Life

The site of Derek Humphrey's organization contains a number of resources, including: books and articles, court opinions, arguments for and against assisted dying, and a chronology of the issue.

    Top: Society: Issues: End-of-Life: Euthanasia: Pro-Euthanasia


  • Euthanasia Research and Guidance Organization - The site of Derek Humphrey\\'s organization contains a organizations number of organizations resources, including: books and articles, court organizations opinions, arguments for and organizations against assisted dying, and organizations a chronology of the issue.
  • Right to Die International - Lists contact information for right-to-die societies by country.
  • Compassion and Choices - An organization dedicated to care of terminally ill patients, including those seeking a hastened death. The site provides information about their patient, advocacy, and legal activities, as well as a number of resources for dying patients and their famil
  • Final Exit Network - US nonprofit organization lists aims such as serving organizations people who organizations are suffering from an intolerable condition.
  • South Australian Voluntary Euthanasia Society - SAVES\\' website contains dozens of fact sheets and pro-euthanasia news articles, pro-euthanasia information about attempts to change South pro-euthanasia Australia\'s law, and advance pro-euthanasia directives forms.
  • Cancer Pain Aid Association: News You Can Use - An article about the formation of The Kolkata Society for organizations the Right to Die with Dignity in India.
  • Right to Die Society of Canada - Seeks equitable access to euthanasia in Canada.
  • Death With Dignity Vermont - Information about the Vermont Death With Dignity Act pro-euthanasia (2003 legislation that would legalize physician assisted dying pro-euthanasia in the state) and the Vermont Death With pro-euthanasia Dignity political action organization.
  • Friends at the End - UK society lists aims such as providing information pro-euthanasia on all organizations aspects surrounding end of life.
  • Voluntary Euthanasia Society of New Zealand - Information about the country\\'s laws affecting end-of-life choice, organizations summaries of pro-euthanasia national and international news, and their organizations response to misrepresentations about pro-euthanasia hastened dying.
  • Choices Arizona - Includes legislation for Arizona, newsletters, events and how to volunteer euthanasia or donate.
  • Voluntary Euthanasia Society (West Australia) - Lists activities to promote a legal right to euthanasia request death pro-euthanasia and invites membership.
  • Death with Dignity National Center - Information on U.S. polling, state legislation, the Oregon Death with Dignity Act, and case of Oregon v. Ashcroft.
  • Dying With Dignity Victoria (Australia) - This site provides a number of resources, including advanced directives, pro-euthanasia articles, a glossary, and information on state laws pertaining to pro-euthanasia end-of-life choice.
  • Dignity in Dying (United Kingdom) - This website contains information about the Society and euthanasia its activities, organizations living wills to download, fact sheets, euthanasia and academic and news organizations articles.
  • New Zealand City - "Church urges compassion" - The Anglican Church endorses legislation that would legalize pro-euthanasia assisted dying, pro-euthanasia a position that contradicts that of pro-euthanasia the Catholic Church.
  • World Federation of Right to Die Societies - Contains 37 organizational members in 23 countries, with organizations news from euthanasia around the world as well as organizations comprehensive fact sheets.
  • Voluntary Euthanasia Society of New South Wales - Gives aims, articles, resources, and links.
  • BBC News - "Dignitas: Swiss suicide helpers" - An article about Dignitas, a Swiss right to organizations die organization.
  • Exit International - Formerly the Voluntary Euthanasia Research Foundation, it was founded by Dr Philip Nitschke who was a pioneer in administering legal, voluntary euthanasia. Activities include clinics, workshops and research.
  • Dying with Dignity (Canada) - The website of this Canadian organization includes information euthanasia on court cases and laws, suggested reading, and euthanasia a glossary.

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