Environmental Justice

Research, policy, and information clearinghouse on issues related to environmental justice, race and the environment, civil rights, facility siting, land use planning, brownfields, transportation equity, suburban sprawl, and Smart Growth.

    Top: Society: Issues: Environment

Environmental Justice

See Also:
  • Environmental Justice Database - Michigan State University database.
  • Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF) - Advocacy organization site includes training manual, issues information, environmental justice press releases and information on empowering those affected environmental justice by environmental abuses to investigate, expose and combat environmental justice those problems.
  • Ma'at Youth Academy - MYA helps high school students and adults in San Francisco issues Bay area communities of color and low-income areas, make their issues communities healthier and safer for all species.
  • Environmental Justice - Greenaction is a new organization created by community environmental justice groups issues in the southwest United States and former environmental justice Greenpeace staff issues who have joined together in the environmental justice struggle for health issues and environmental justice.
  • EcoTort - Activists asserting the lawful right to environment friendly issues employment for issues everyone. Presents an argument based on issues UK law.
  • Asian Pacific Environmental Network (APEN) - Working to protect and shape the environment of Asian and issues Pacific Islanders in the San Francisco Bay area through democratic issues participation.
  • African American Environmentalist Association - Dedicated to increasing African American participation in the environmental movement, environment protecting the environment, enhancing human, animal and plant ecologies and environment promoting the efficient use of natural resources.
  • Environmental Justice Coalition - Coalition dedicated to passing an Environmental Justice Act.
  • Center for Community Action and Environmental Justice - An environmental-health resource center that provides training, technical and organizing support, and advocacy work for California communities. Projects , publications and information.
  • Sierra Club Human Rights and the Environment Campaign - Current news about environmental justice issues world-wide, and environmental justice opportunities environmental justice for activism.
  • Environmental Justice Resource Center, Clark Atlanta University - Research, policy, and information clearinghouse on issues related environment to environmental issues justice, race and the environment, civil environment rights, facility siting, land issues use planning, brownfields, transportation environment equity, suburban sprawl, and Smart Growth.
  • National Environmental Justice Advisory Council (U.S.) - A federal advisory committee established to provide issues independent advice, consultation, and recommendations to the issues Administrator of the U.S. EPA on matters related issues to environmental justice.
  • Office of Minority Health Resource Center - A U.S. national resource and referral service on environmental justice minority environmental justice health issues. Collects and distributes information environmental justice on environmental justice topics including substance abuse, cancer, heart environmental justice disease, violence, diabetes, environmental justice HIV/AIDS and infant mortality in environmental justice minority populations.
  • Communities For A Better Environment - California based environmental health and justice organization which promotes clean environment air and water and advocates for toxic free communities. Provides environment information, resources and campaign information.
  • U.S. Department of Transportation Environmental Justice Site - General information, case studies, and training resources on environmental justice applicable issues requirements and on addressing environmental justice in environmental justice the planning issues process for highways and other transportation environmental justice systems.
  • U.S. EPA Environmental Justice - Working to ensure that federal agencies conduct their issues programs that environmental justice have environmental impacts in a manner issues that ensures that they environmental justice do not have issues the effect of excluding persons or environmental justice populations to issues discrimination because of their race, national origin environmental justice issues or inco
  • Creation Stewardship - Provides resources for churches and other faith-based organizations environment to take action on a number of important environment environmental issues.
  • Environmental Justice and Environmental Racism Links - Annotated collection of internet links, from Meg-A-World.
  • Catholic Conservation Center - Features a collection of writings and documentation about issues ecology and environmental justice in light of scripture issues and Catholic tradition.
  • Environmental Research Foundation (ERF) - New Brunswick, NJ-based organization seeking to provide understandable issues scientific information environmental justice about human health and the environment issues to the public. Research environmental justice library, event calendar, and issues links to related organizations provided. Also environmental justice available in issues Spanish.
  • Indigenous Environmental Network - Native peoples of the Americas organization for education, issues coalition building, issues and action. Announcements and fact sheets issues on current issues.
  • Working Group on Environmental Justice - A group of scholars and activists committed to environmental justice doing further research and promoting effective action to environmental justice advance the cause of environmental justice.
  • Environmental Justice and the NIMBY Principle - Report which strives to dispell the truths behind the "not environment in my backyard" environmental ploys, and offers reasons why poorer environment communities often bear the blunt of hazardous waste disposal.
  • Amazon Watch - Works with indigenous and environmental organizations in the Amazon Basin issues to defend the environment and advance indigenous peoples\\' rights in issues the face of large-scale industrial development. Provides news, campaigns, resources issues and contacts.

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