Climate Change Skeptics Opposing Views Environment Issues

Skeptical of possible negative effects, the center is a non-profit organization specializing in the online publication of scientific research and education developments related to the rising CO2 content of earth's atmosphere.

    Top: Society: Issues: Environment: Opposing Views

Climate Change Skeptics

See Also:
  • Global Warming Hysteria - Journalist gathers socio-political comments as well as scientific environment information and climate change skeptics counters the junk science and media environment hype of current global climate change skeptics warming thinking.
  • Global Warming And The Climate - Applied physicist uses a variety of data sources environment to take environment a critical view of current global environment warming theory by comparing environment the effects of greenhouse environment gases with those from the Sun.
  • Global Climate Cooling Facts - The Global Climate Change Debate - Global cooling - the unappreciated monster of climate change. An environment impact assessment scientist gives facts about global climate cooling.
  • Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change - Skeptical of possible negative effects, the center is opposing views a non-profit organization specializing in the online publication opposing views of scientific research and education developments related to opposing views the rising CO2 content of earth's atmosphere.
  • Climate Change Reexamined - An essay, titled "Climate Change Reexamined" published in environment the Journal of Scientific Exploration, by Joel Kauffman environment in 2007, tries to show the flaws in environment Anthropogenic Global Warming Theory.[PDF]
  • Biography of Professor Robert M. Carter - Profiles his work in dispelling human caused climate change.
  • Knowing Truth - Page of relatively recent links to articles and climate change skeptics environment websites that offer alternative views to the question climate change skeptics environment of global warming/climate change.
  • Russia's Chief Economic Adviser Says Cost of Kyoto Too Great - ICCF - Dr. Andrei Illarionov, Pres. Vladimir Putin\\'s chief economic climate change skeptics adviser, delivers a presentation called "The Kyoto Protocol: climate change skeptics An Assault on economic growth, environment, public safety, climate change skeptics science and human civilization itself."
  • Climate Audit - Through the use of many data sets (including proxy data), opposing views mathematics, statistics, as well as commentary and discussion, Steve McIntyre opposing views shows how human induced global warming does not always add opposing views up.
  • Global Warming Hyperbole - Highlights the latest news, views, articles and opinion climate change skeptics opposing views pieces related to hype and hysteria that surrounds climate change skeptics opposing views Global Warming (Climate Change) Controversy.
  • The Great Green Global Warming Con-Trick - A sub-section of the Nottinghamshire Times e-magazine that opposing views has opposing views over twenty-five pages of material and tries opposing views to dispel opposing views global warming as global problem both opposing views scientifically as well opposing views as politically.
  • The Global Warming Challenge - Scott Armstrong, of the Wharton School, challenges Al opposing views Gore environment $20,000 that he will be able to opposing views make more environment accurate forecasts of annual mean temperatures opposing views than those that environment can be produced by climate opposing views models.
  • GORE LIED - A blog that is skeptical of anthropogenic global environment warming and, climate change skeptics more specifically, the initiative of Al environment Gore to spread the climate change skeptics message of man-made climate environment change.
  • A Skeptic's Guide to Debunking Global Warming Alarmism - Includes the speech delivered by Senator James Inhofe environment on Monday, September 25, 2006 that directly challenges environment the media to improve reporting methods related to environment climate change. The guide also includes graphics, environment press releases and scientific articles that r[PDF]
  • Wisconsin Energy Cooperative News May 2007: The Faithful Heretic - An article out of the monthly Wisconsin Energy environment Cooperative Magazine opposing views which highlights Professor Emeritus Reid Bryson\\'s environment (one of the founding opposing views fathers of modern climatology) environment thoughts on the current state of opposing views climate change environment and global warming.
  • Global Warming Lies - A relatively short seven page web site, put environment together by environment a former global warming believer, that environment shows not only the environment lies surrounding climate change environment but also brings out many of environment the facts environment that have been conveniently neglected.
  • Global Warming is a Farce - A personal site with a collection of articles and information climate change skeptics presenting the other side of the global climate change issue.
  • New Zealand Climate Science Coalition - Presents facts regarding natural and anthropogenic climate change climate change skeptics opposing views and also offers comments and opinion on the climate change skeptics opposing views scientific, economic and socio-political consequences of climate change.
  • Friends of Science - Offers critical scientific evidence, including a five-piece video, climate change skeptics environment that challenges the premises of the Kyoto Protocol, climate change skeptics environment and presents alternative causes of climate change.
  • Polar Bear Population Forecasts: A Public-Policy Forecasting Audit - Attempts to answer questions concerning the ability of global warming opposing views forecasting and the setting of public this case by opposing views listing polar bears as a threatened species under the Endangered opposing views Species Act.[PDF]
  • Global Warming and Other Myths - An atmospheric scientist offers personal articles, recent news, and an opposing views extensive list of links devoted to dispelling the anthropogenic global opposing views warming hypothesis as well as the supposed results.
  • Competitive Enterprise Institute: Climate Change - Index of CEI research papers, opinion articles, speeches, and other climate change skeptics publications on climate change, the Kyoto Treaty, and related topics.
  • Skeptics Global Warming - A news and opinion site referencing headlines from opposing views around the world in addition to personal editorials opposing views that are skeptical of the theory of anthropogenic opposing views global warming.
  • An Inconvenient Truth or Convenient Fiction - Offers recent environmental evidence that curtails the consensus environment global warming climate change skeptics view through the current year\\'s annual environment report, and the short climate change skeptics documentary motion picture.
  • Global Warming Petition Project - Signed by over 19,000 scientists, this petition calls environment for the US government to reject the Kyoto environment Protocol.
  • CO2: The Greatest Scientific Scandal of Our Time - Research article which shows that nature, not man, rules the environment climate and that the Kyoto Protocol and IPCC reports may environment cause great harm to the global population and economy.[PDF]
  • Global Warming - Attempts to dispell the anthropogenic global warming hypothesis by showing opposing views the flawed economic, scientific, and risk analysis in relation to opposing views the current political situation.
  • Tom Nelson - A personal blog that captures the latest headlines climate change skeptics skeptical of the global warming debate with commentary.
  • Newsweek - The Cooling World - Newsweek article from 1975 on the dangers of Global Cooling.
  • Planck Time - Exposing the Global Warming Myth - A site that contains up to date blogs, recent articles environment (as well as those archived since 2005), and links committed environment to explaining the hypothesis of global warming as a myth.
  • ICECAP - International Climate and Environmental Change Assessment Project (ICECAP) is a climate change skeptics portal to climate related information for elected officials and staffers, climate change skeptics journalists, scientists, educators and the public that presents information for climate change skeptics the entire spectrum t
  • Climate Skeptic - A Skeptics view of the recent climate scene covering these opposing views main topics: Climate propaganda; Climate science; Climate socialists; CO2 abatement; opposing views Current weather; Effects of warming; Government regulation; Temperature history; Temperature opposing views measurement; Warmi
  • Global Warming Skeptics - Exposing the fraud concerning the global warming issue, through articles, forums, and blogs.
  • The Global Warming Information Center - Project of the National Center for Public Policy Research; fact environment sheets, media kits, research, and links critical of the manmade environment climate change orthodoxy.
  • - Uses the most recent news and research as opposing views well opposing views as archived data and articles to help opposing views dispel popular opposing views global warming theory and find the opposing views truth about climate opposing views change.
  • World Climate Report - Uses a collection of data, facts and statements environment within a environment broad range of categories to find environment and explain many of environment the fallacies held in environment popular global warming theory.
  • Other Side of the Global Warming Debate - A list of links to articles or other environment websites that opposing views tackle topics such as: Consensus thinking; environment Accurate IPCC Data; Myths opposing views concerning the Little Ice environment Age or Medieval Warm Period; What opposing views a rise environment in CO2 really means; runaway temperature rise; Ocean opposing views environment levels rising;
  • Ross McKitrick Associate Professor University of Guelph Ontario Canada - Professor of Economics at the University of Guelph, environment Ross McKitrick tackles the subjects of global warming, environment air pollution, environmental economics, and science and public environment policy through the use of many published articles environment written both by himself as well as
  • Guide to Global Warming - Questions and Answers on Climate Change - Questions and answers to basic global warming questions, environment from the George C. Marshall Institute.
  • Uncertainty Distribution Around Climate Models - Paper written by Myanna Lahsen and published environment in "Social opposing views Studies of Science", 35/6(December 2005) pp. environment 895–922, discusses the distribution opposing views of certainty/uncertainty around the environment General Circulation Models (GCMs) (aka, Global opposing views Climate Models) environment – th[PDF]
  • Man and Environment - A short page which questions the harm in environment environmental change.
  • Climate Change Issues - A moderate examination of global climate change and related economic climate change skeptics and science issues from the American Petroleum Institute\'s (API) point climate change skeptics of view.
  • Still Waiting For Greenhouse - Non-believers in global warming present evidence to show opposing views that climate change skeptics global warming has been grossly exaggerated.
  • Human Global Warming - States that human global warming does not exist opposing views and supports this view with subjective analysis of opposing views five different parameters.
  • The Sky is Falling! - Personal site that explores the accounts of "global opposing views warming."
  • Balloon-Knot Al Gore's Inconvenient Truths - Blog type forum that pokes fun and facts at Al environment Gore's "Inconvenient Truth."
  • Science & Environmental Policy Project - Founded by atmospheric physicist and global-warming skeptic S. environment Fred Singer; press releases, news articles, scientific studies environment and other materials available.
  • Roy Spencer, Ph. D. - Climatologist, author and former NASA scientist offering comments about global opposing views warming.

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